SPRINGFIELD The casting team of ABC's popular parenting series "Supernanny" is searching for families from Springfield to be on the brand new fifth season of the hit show. Producers from Ricochet Television are hosting an open casting call for the show on Oct. 19 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Western New England Women's Expo at the MassMutual Center. ABC's announcement of a fifth season of "Supernanny" is welcome news for parents in Massachusetts. This season's producers are searching for families with unique interests; parents who have ordinary and extraordinary circumstances; teen moms; parents with mean girls or bullying boys; culturally diverse parents; and blended families where both sides are seeking help. Producers want families from every type of background who are ready for the opportunity of a lifetime a visit from America's number one nanny, Jo Frost! Interested moms and dads in need of help with their out of control kids may apply from anywhere by visiting www.supernanny.com. Parents can also call 1-877-626-6984 for more information. Frost's expert behavioral techniques and caring ease with children make "Supernanny" a hit with the audience every week. Her book, "Ask Supernanny," is an international best seller and follows up her first book. Visit www.supernanny.com or send an e-mail to supernanny@ricochettele-vision.com to apply now. |