Ten ways to be a ‘Joy Maker’ this holiday season
Date: 12/11/2013
LONGMEADOW – As a Joy Ambassador, Longmeadow Kids Care Club is collaborating with the Springfield Boys and Girls Club on a service project and are committed to spreading the word about how easy it is to give joy.
Members of the club are asking kids everywhere to be a “Joy Maker” and join them in giving joy this holiday season.
Below are 10 suggestions on how to be a “Joy Maker” this Holiday season:
• Make Christmas cards to send to troops overseas. Go to
Operation Gratitude to get started.
• Have a holiday baking party. Get together with friends and bake holiday treats to take down to a local homeless shelter, fire department, or inner city school so they can have a holiday party.
• Put a little treat or card together for the next Salvation Army bell ringer you see. Those people are out there all day long trying to raise funds.
• If you have children, talk to them about a world cause that they are interested in. Help them find a charity to donate to. Have one of their presents be a donation in their name so they can learn how to give, and feel the power behind it.
• Shovel snow from a neighbor’s sidewalk.
• Help an elderly person put up Christmas lights.
• Have your Elf on the Shelf do acts of kindness for family members, and have him leave a note that tells them to pass it forward.
• Winter cleaning – Clean out your closet and donate old hats, gloves, coats, and shoes to shelters for the cold months.
• Have each member of your family commit to helping four people throughout the week. This will help get them thinking about serving others. Share what you did and how you felt with each other.
• Help carry groceries to your neighbor’s door.
The Longmeadow Kids Care Club is dedicated to developing compassion and inspiring a spirit of volunteering in children. They are comprised of a group of kids who want to help others in their community and around the world.