Youth drama workshop set for Nov. 13
Date: 10/25/2010
LUDLOW -- The Exit 7 Players will be hosting a drama workshop for all area youth at the Exit 7 Theater Nov. 13 from noon to 2 p.m.
This event is the first in a series of upcoming workshops which will cover all aspects of the theater such as acting, improvisation, dance, music, sewing, stage make-up, etc. Kids will be learning several of the duties that are required to put on a successful show.
All children age 5 to 18 are welcome to attend. This event is free of charge for all current Youth Players members.
Membership can be purchased in advance or at the door $10 family/$5 individual per year. All children 10 years old or younger attending must have a parent with them at all times.
Registration is recommended but not required.
For more information contact the Exit 7 Players at 413.583.4301 or