Warren rallies the faithful at Springfield eventDate: 3/23/2017
SPRINGFIELD – With a near evangelistic zeal at times, Sen. Elizabeth Warren urged the several hundred people who attended her appearance in Springfield on March 20 to become active in opposing the proposed actions of the Trump Administration and the Republican-dominated Congress.
Frequently raising her arms to make a point and clenching her fists, she asserted to the friendly audience the current administration’s goal is to help the wealthiest Americans.
“I think that’s wrong. That’s why we’re in the trouble we are in right now,” she said.
Several times during the question and answer portion of the hour-long event, Warren stressed the need for people to take action in the form of calls, letters and “just showing up.” She used the example of Andy Puzder, President Donald Trump’s initial choice as Secretary of Labor, who backed out of the appointment because of public pressure brought upon him with the revelation of his using illegal labor, and other issues.
She also used the Women’s March day, which she called “the single largest world-wide protest event,” as another example of people coming together to take political action.
She charged the repeal of the Affordable Care Act and the proposed replacement legislation would drive up insurance costs for the middle class and working families while giving tax cuts to millionaires.
She declined to definitely say during a press availability the House legislation would be killed in the Senate. While she said she hopes “it’s dead,” she noted Republicans are “out there twisting arms and kicking fannies” to make sure there is support for the bill.
Warren was also highly critical of the proposed cut to Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) in the Trump budget.
CDBG grants are “one way the federal government is a really good partner to local cities and towns,” Warren said.
She noted that city mayors “use the money to fill in that unexpected gap.”
The predicted erosion in environmental protection stumps Warren. She explained she understood that wealthy Americans could take their children out of public schools – which will be hurt under Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos – but she couldn’t understand why those people would support actions that could damage the environment.
“What planet are they going to live on?” she asked to applause.
She said she would support legislation that would extend the full benefits of the 9/11 G.I. Bill to National Guard personnel called up for active duty.
In answer to a question about the allegations concerning the influence of Russia within the Trump campaign and on the Democratic Party presidential race, Warren called for a special prosecutor to conduct an independent investigation. She said voters should put pressure on Republican members of Congress to take this course of action.
She also declared her lack of support for Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch.
“We can not have a Supreme Court that tilts in the direction of corporations,” she declared.
When asked if the 60-vote minimum is not met to approve Gorsuch, Warren said, “There has got to be a place where we have some consensus.” She called for a nominee who is a “straight shooter” who is near the middle.
Warren also criticized the president’s latest effort to “bully” cities not to be “sanctuary cities.”
“Donald Trump is wrong,” she said. She said she does believe any city would lose federal funding if they maintain a sanctuary city status.
Considering the Republican control of Congress, Warren said her strategy has been to become “more louder and passionate than ever.”
“We have to rely on people across the country to make their voices heard as well,” she added.
“This is truly a moment when the character of our nation is being measured,” she said.