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Date: 8/4/2009

Two efforts to help beautify the city were recognized last week by City Councilor Ronald Belair and Department of Public Works Superintendent Stanley Kulig.

Two traffic islands maintained by private citizens were noted with the additions of new signs. The islands are along James Street - at the corner of James Street and Ross Avenue and the corner of James and Prospect streets.

The Prospect Street island is being maintained by Henry Avery and Avery Home Improvement. The Ross Avenue island is being taken care of by Ralph Provost.

Provost has been tending the island for the past 45 to 50 years, he said. He has treated the space as part of his property even though it isn't. He estimated his annual budget for the island is about $100 in lime, grub control chemicals and other gardening aids. He has even rented a Bobcat to move large stones onto the island for landscaping.

Kulig said the private efforts are a "success story" as they allow the city to perform minimal maintenance on them, concentrating resources on other areas.

Pictured are Kulig, Belair and Provost.