Date: 11/17/2023
Republican candidate Peter Durant has been declared the winner of the Worcester and Hampshire Senate District special state election, according to unofficial results as of Nov. 15.
This special election was necessary after former state Sen. Anne Gobi resigned from her position in the Senate in June to become the state’s first director of rural affairs. Gobi previously held the position for nine years.
Before running, Durant, a resident of Spencer, was the state representative for the Sixth Worcester District, which covered parts of Charlton, Dudley, Southbridge and Spencer. In the Nov. 7 election, Durant ran against Democratic candidate Jonathan Zlotnik, the state representative for the Second Worcester District.
When asked about his priorities moving into the new position, Durant stated that they remain the same from his time as state representative. In an interview, he described the state’s need for “good education” and said he intended to ensure schools had proper resources by addressing budget concerns. He also highlighted his goal to minimize “wasteful spending.”
In addition, Durant’s campaign website states that he will focus on public safety, government transparency, reducing tax burdens and supporting the economy.
“I understand what municipalities are going through. I know how to fill out payroll; I know the sleepless nights,” Durant said, stating that his experience as a Finance Board and Board of Selectmen member in Spencer as well as a business owner helps him to understand residents’ concerns.
For Ware and Hardwick specifically, Durant stated that he was in the beginning stages of connecting with each town’s administration in order to ask, “What is it the towns need?”
“[I] carry their needs to Beacon Hill,” he said. “Our job is to help people cut through the red tape.”
Durant briefly listed school funding and the Chapter 90 apportionment formula, which decides each town’s funding based on road lengths, population and employment rates, as issues he had already discussed with the towns, but was unable to give specifics.
Prior to the special election, Durant won the Republican primary against Bruce Chester on Oct. 10. The vote favored Durant 60.5% to 39.3%, according to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Durant is expected to be sworn into the office on Nov. 29, he said. Once officially in the state Senate, Durant will become one of four Republicans on the body.