Free Comic Book Day returns to local comic shops on May 7Date: 5/3/2022 GREATER SPRINGFIELD – Free Comic Book Day returns on May 7 to two area shops where free comic books, the chance to meet artists and writers and to support good causes will be featured.
The national event is designed to encourage people to read comics. First organized in 2002, the comics offered for free range from titles for children to adults and there is a rating that corresponds to the book’s age rating.
Independently owned comic book shops participate in the event.
Comics N’ More at 64 Cottage St., Easthampton, will feature the distribution of free comic books in its parking lot behind the store from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Owner Christian Reader said, “We’re going use our outside back parking lot area for snack vendors and we’re renting a big tent or tents so we can have so many comics for browsing right outside in the fresh air. Inside will be full of even more graphic novels and comics, but no food allowed inside.”
He added, “We’re asking for donations of non-perishable and not expired food and money drive to benefit the Easthampton Community Center like we do every year.”
Other features of the event will be various cosplayers, Crooked Stick Pops and Vegan Pizza Land doing their first official Easthampton pop-up shop.
At Most Excellent Comics and Gaming, 483 Enfield St. Enfield, CT, there will be a mini convention featuring comic book artists and writers starting at 11 a.m. Among those scheduled to appear are:
- Mark Masztal, co-creator and artist of “Sword of Shar-Pei” and writer of “Blood in the Water”
- Mike DeCarlo, an artist who has worked on many DC and Marvel comics, including “Batman: A Death in the Family”
- Michael Kelleher, colorist and art reconstruction expert for both Marvel and DC
- Gary Smith, artist for Valiant and creator of “The Doe-Nild” and “Tales of J’Lleen”
- Joe Lavoie, blogger and anime pixel artist.
- Joe St. Pierre, an artist who has worked for both Marvel and DC
- Tony Kordos artist on “Justice League.”
- Steve Murphy, writer of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures” and “Puma Blues.”
- Philip Owen, creator of “Keepers”
- Jim Taylor, creator and artist of “The Wrap”