Humason proposal helps hunters transport gunsDate: 2/18/2016 BOSTON – State Sen. Donald Humason Jr. successfully added an amendment that will aid hunters in how they transport their unloaded shotguns and rifles to a bill designed to stop poaching.
The senate passed his amendment, which now goes to the House for consideration.
Humason told Reminder Publications he is a supporter of the Second Amendment and thought the hunting bill would be an opportunity to do something for legal hunters.
He said the members of the Gun Owners Action league asked him to file the legislation.
Humason’s amendment would allow hunters to have their unloaded weapons in an unlocked case while being transported on an all terrain vehicle.
Humason said the amendment is way to “help the good guys.”
The bill on which the amendment was placed raises the existing penalties for hunters convicted of illegally harming or killing wildlife. The legislation also requires the Commonwealth to enter into a nationwide law enforcement network known as the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact. The Compact allows for allows for states to collaborate to make sure a hunter with a suspended license in one state, can’t get hunting, trapping or fishing license in another.
Massachusetts remains one of only four states that are not in the Compact.
“Hunting is a longstanding tradition in my district and across Western Massachusetts, so it is important to me that we support those who hunt legally by ensuring the laws they abide by are practicable and sensible,” Humason said.