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Nonprofit offering grants to support foster families

Date: 4/7/2020

GREATER SPRINGFIELD – A local nonprofit has created a fund to support foster and adoptive families facing difficulties as a result of coronavirus.

All Our Kids (AOK) is a registered nonprofit that helps families who are fostering or have adopted a child or children navigate the challenges involved through information, resources and networking opportunities. Thanks to an anonymous donation, AOK is now in a position to distribute grants to help offset the cost of immediate needs of families in Western Massachusetts.
“I was contacted by an adoptive family who asked what we could do to help,” said Marianna Litovich, founder and president of AOK. “I was a bit caught off guard and sort of a loss for words because I wasn’t sure what we could do. There is so much need that it is hard to know where to start and you really can’t help but feel powerless.”

The family pledged to match the first $1,000 raised to initiate the fund, which will be broken up into $100 grants intended to provide a measure of relief to families. “These are families who might be struggling because someone lost their job, have someone who might be sick or in some way have experienced hardship because of coronavirus,” Litovich said.

Those interested in applying for a grant may do so by visiting the AOK website at While the grants are not necessarily needs-based, the application does ask some simple questions regarding the family’s situation.

“We are really hoping that people self-select to ensure that those with the most need are able to receive grants,” she said. “The questions are designed to help us understand everyone’s unique situation.”

AOK is also seeking additional donations to bolster the fund and reach more families.

“As long as there is funding we will continue to accept grant applications,” Litovich said.

AOK is staffed entirely by volunteers, meaning 100 percent of the money raised goes directly to the organization’s programs. To donate, visit

AOK serves families in all Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin and Berkshire counties. According to the most recent quarterly report for the Department of Children and Families, 1,930 of the state’s 8,519 foster care placements were in those four counties as of Dec. 31, 2019. This number does not include children placed through independent foster and adoption services.

AOK’s other programs and offerings include a free “store” through which foster families can find clothing and items for children at no cost, an online resource directory, community gatherings and support groups in area communities such as Springfield, Holyoke, Williamsburg and Greenfield. AOK also works to raise awareness for the growing need for foster families and the issues associated with foster care through its website, blogs, podcast and social media.