Date: 11/20/2023
For the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department, it begins to look a lot like Christmas when the Toy for Joy campaign gets into gear.
This year, the 101st for a campaign that brings happiness to thousands of children and families from across Hampden County and beyond, is no exception.
“We are excited to be partnering once again to help make the Toy for Joy campaign a success,” said Hampden County Sheriff Nicholas Cocchi. “Christmas is not all about presents, but it is about family and putting a smile on a child’s face, and this program helps to do that for so many families in Western Massachusetts.”
He added, “Tough financial times have made life difficult for many people, so we stand prepared to help. And we are encouraging people to donate what they can and play their part in helping the community.”
The Sheriff’s Department has been a major community partner to Toy for Joy, and, according to Salvation Army social ministries manager Danielle LaTaille, the services provided by the staff are essential to a well-organized, successful distribution campaign.
“They set up the toy warehouse, they organize the toys and unbox them, and then set up the toys for distribution. It’s a huge undertaking they do so well,” LaTaille said.
During the holiday season, Cocchi and the Sheriff’s Department office staff, as well as inmate groups at the jail and community partners make several monetary donations to Toy for Joy. This comes in addition to the staff’s help in organizing presents, unloading trucks and distributing gifts to families.
LaTaille said other business and community groups are also pitching in, but that any new groups or businesses that want to participate are welcomed.
“We’re looking for professional groups of maybe 10 to 15 people who could join us for a full or even a half day,” LaTaille said. “We have indoor and outdoor volunteers. You’d think in December, most would want to be indoors but most like to be outdoors, because that’s where most of the action is.”
Indoor volunteers would be “manning the toys,” LaTaille said, and preparing them for distribution. Outdoor people meet with families in their cars and make sure the right toys go to the right people.
“We take a break [on distribution days] from 12 to 1 and have a warm, hearty lunch. It’s just a really good time,” LaTaille said.
Interested professional, business or community groups can contact LaTaille at 413-733-1518, extension 108, or by email to
Toy for Joy is a collaborative effort by the Salvation Army with The Republican, Reminder Publishing, El Pueblo Latino and MassLive. It serves children and families in Hampden, Hampshire and Franklin counties.
Toy for Joy provides toys, age-appropriate gifts and books to children up to the age of 16. Each child receives a book as part of the campaign’s effort to promote family literacy. Families must have registered in advance.
Gift distribution will be conducted in mid-December.
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