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Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy remembers Sept. 11

Date: 9/13/2010

Sept. 13, 2010

By Debbie Gardner

Assistant Managing Editor

LONGMEADOW -- It was a day for remebrance, reflection, commitment and challenges.

Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy (LYA) hosted its annual Sept. 11 commemoration ceremony this year on Sept. 8 in advance of Rosh Hashanah.

"This was an attack not just against the people of New York City. This was really an attack against freedom, against people who believe in peace and freedom," Rabbi Noach Kosofsky, principal of LYA, told gatherieng of students as he spoke of the terrorist attacks on New York City and the Pentagon on Sept. 11, 2001. "That's why it is so important that we have a ceremony to remember it."

During his remarks Rabbi Edelman, dean of LYA, said, "We remember things that happened in the past and we get together to pledge that they will never happen again."

A salute to a contingent of Jewish War Veterans, who had joined the students for the ceremony, the reading of a poem titled "Our Flag" by students Ben Muhlmann and Gavriel Muellejans and the raising of the flag by fifth gradersEsti Garfield and Bryna Kosofsky, with assistance by Dr. Mitchell Kupperman, complwrws rgw ceremony.

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