By Alex Ross Staff Intern SOUTH HADLEY Newly elected Select Board member Dr. Daniel Champagne resigned on April 12, following a special meeting of the board the night prior where a contract for the architectural design of a clubhouse at Ledges Golf Club was approved. Select Board Chair Marilyn Ishler announced at an April 17 Select Board meeting that a special election would be held on June 25 to fill the vacant seat. Champagne, who also was the force behind a non-binding referendum calling for a halt to all future "golf course expansion expenditures" was elected two weeks before in the April 2 local elections. The referendum on that same ballot also passed with 60 percent support. The new contract was awarded to Signature Architects, a company that has worked with the town on earlier stages of the project. Champagne hoped that the conversation that night would be permitted to go beyond the decision of awarding the architectural design contract to Signature, and allow a broader discussion on the future of building the proposed 3,180 sq ft clubhouse as well as the golf course. The resignation of Champagne and the subsequent special election could cost the town as much $8,150 based on numbers of the costs of a typical election according to the Town Clerk's office. "I was elected by a majority of voters to represent before the Board the constituents who are opposed to the clubhouse/golf course," stated Champagne in his letter of resignation. "Morally, I cannot be part of a system that manages to control a meeting in such a way that special interests of a few are protected at the expense of our future - our children." Champagne says that building a clubhouse would increase debt for the town and be more of a burden in the long run rather then a source of revenue. "For the first time in 60 years more golf courses have closed instead of opened," said Champagne citing a recent "Wall Street Journal" article. Despite stepping down from the Board Champagne said that he would continue to follow the issue. "The present Board has clearly chosen golf over our schools," said Champagne. "On that basis and due to alleged flaws in the Town meeting vote of January 23,2007, my supporters and I will investigate appropriate litigation against this decision." "I was very disappointed. I was looking forward to working with him," said Ishler. "There are just many more issues that come before the Select Board then the golf course." Nominations papers for candidates to run for the vacant Select Board position are currently available at the Town Clerk's Office. Nominees will have a filing deadline of May 7. |