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Village Commons cancels concerts

SOUTH HADLEY The long awaited State Road Reconstruction and Alignment Project is underway. Anyone who has driven on Route 116 north of The Village Commons lately can appreciate the impact this project will have on The Village Commons as the work gets closer to our doors.

With regret, the management of the Village Commons has decided to cancel the concert series this summer. Reports of excavated roads, replaced sidewalks, and major upheaval to the Town Common made us realize that The Village Commons would not be putting its best face forward with a concert series this summer. The proposed timing of the work is scheduled for July and Augustright through our concert schedule.

The Saturday Morning Family Entertainment Series will continue. These events do not carry out onto College Street and the Town Common so the impact of the construction will not be as great. The free lineup of clowns, storytellers, music, dance and Tom Ricardi's Birds of Prey will take place Saturday mornings from 10:30-11:15 a.m., July 8-August 26, outside the doors of The Odyssey Bookshopinside The Odyssey in case of rain.