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FutureWorks to youth: 'You're hired'

By G. Michael Dobbs

Managing Editor

SPRINGFIELD Where can youth ages 14 to 21 go to find a job or prepare themselves for the job market? FutureWorks, the job counseling organization at the Springfield technical Community College Technology Park has an answer: YouthWorks.

The new effort was officially opened on March 2, although it has been open for use for the past several months, according to Ana Sanchez, the center's youth specialist.

Sanchez said the center is focusing on serving two groups: young people from ages 14 to 21 who are looking for full or part-time work and at risk- youth ages 16 to 21 who have dropped out of school and are unemployed.

The idea to target youth came from members of the FutureWork's board of director, Executive Director Rexene Picard. Representatives from several of the area's large manufacturers noted the need to help young people acquire the skills they need to enter the labor pool.

Picard said there are "skill gaps" among younger applicants.

Sanchez said YouthWorks structure a program around the individual needs of an applicant. The center offers a certificate program on pre-employment skills including the importance of being on-time, resume writing, how to dress appropriately for a job and interviewing skills.

Sanchez has a tutoring program to help student pass the MCAS and to obtain a GED, also.

Job listings are, of course, the other service provided to youth.

Picard said the ultimate goal is "trying to get them [the students] to think about a career, not just a job."

The center also offers financial aid information for applicants who wish to purse post-secondary education.

The center is open from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday with additional hours until 7 p.m. on Wednesday. There is a welcome meeting to new applicants on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. to explain the program, its services and resources.

Sanchez said that walk-ins are welcome or applicants can call her at 858-2879 for an appointment.