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Pepe charges 'thank you' is campaign event

By G. Michael Dobbs

Managing Editor

SPRINGFIELD One member of the School Committee calls an up-coming reception for the city's school principals and vice-principals as a campaign activity, while another said it's just a way to say thanks to hard-working administrators.

School Committee member Antoinette Pepe told Reminder Publications last week that Mayor Charles Ryan had been left out of the planning and funding of a reception planned by School Committee Chair Thomas Ashe, who is running against Ryan for mayor.

Ashe said that it was not a political gesture, but a way to thank school administrators. Ashe said that he had asked each member of the Committee to contribute $30 personally to cover the expenses of a coffee and danish reception on June 16 at the School Department's Professional Development Center.

Ashe said that Ryan's name is on the invitation that was sent to the administrators, but that he "didn't feel the need" to ask the mayor for a contribution or for his input in planning the event.

"We wanted to keep this within the School Committee," Ashe said. As mayor, Ryan is chair of the Committee.

Ryan confirmed that he had been kept out of the planning of the event.

Ashe also said that the Committee sent out a thank you letter to all of the city's teachers. He said that it was a "small gesture" to boost morale.

Pepe said that instead of sending a letter, "We should thank them by extending their contracts."