Reminder Assistant Editor WEST SPRINGFIELD For over five decades, the Hampden County 4-H Fair Association has helped local youth nurture their talents and foster life skills worthy of the annual showcase. On July 26, over 300 youth from all over the county will gather to participate in a day of friendly competition and to show off their creative genius at the 56th Annual Hampden County 4-H Fair at Eastern States Exposition. Entries from children who've been laboring over their skills and crafts for the past 12 months have the opportunity to submit works in 32 categories including livestock, vegetables, fruit, conservation, canning, flowers, knitting, crocheting, quilts, hand-made crafts, hobby display, photography, handicraft and electricity or agricultural mechanics. Kim Turnberg, publicity chair for the Hampden County 4-H Fair, explained that the annual fair gives local youth an opportunity to showcase products created from their steadfast efforts over the past 12 months. She said that four of her five children participate in the fair, adding that her youngest is only two years old and therefore unable to participate. Entries may be submitted from youth ages five to 18. "I just think [participating in 4-H and the annual fair] gives them real life experience," Turnberg said. "It helps them to be well-rounded citizens." She explained that her children participate in a 4-H club called "This 'N That," which allows them to learn any crafts or skills that interest them. Turnberg noted that her children participate primarily in the livestock category where they show some of their 17 goats. Jeanne Tippett, recording secretary for the Hampden County 4-H Fair, said she's been involved with the fair for years, whether as a contestant or board member. She explained that she has chosen to participate in this all-volunteer organization because of the organization's mission: to provide youth and those who work with youth the supports and opportunities which prepare them to become contributing members of society. Tippett noted that now her eight-year-old daughter also participates in the fair. She explained that developing entries for the fair also gives her an opportunity to teach her daughter life skills such as baking or drawing. Ribbons and some special awards are granted to the best exhibitor in each category with the exception of children in the Cloverbud category children under eight years of age who are not eligible to be in competitive situations. The Massachusetts Department of Agriculture may also allocate agricultural prize money for winners in certain categories. Tippett noted that there are also many events open to public participation at the fair such as the Fun Run, the Veggie Race and the Talent Show. The fair will take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information about 4-H or the 56th Annual Hampden County 4-H Fair go to The following is the list of scheduled events at this year's fair: 9 a.m.: Horse show at the outdoor ring at the Avenue of States, as well as the Fun Run. 9:30 a.m.: Dairy cattle and rabbit shows. 10 a.m.: Beef, working steer, sheep, goat, poultry, dog and horse shows. 11 a.m.: Pedal tractor pull for those ages three to eight. 11:30 a.m.: Pet show, open to all youth. 12 p.m.: Veggie Race, open to all youth. 1 p.m.: Talent show, open to all youth. 2 p.m.: Bottle rocket launch, weather permitting. 3 p.m.: Fashion review. 3:30 p.m.: Lead line and wool competition. 4 p.m.: Awards presentation. Hall exhibits, working exhibits and craft activities will take place all day. |