Flood zone designation made in error
Date: 12/26/2012
By Carley Dangona
carley@thereminder.comWEST SPRINGFIELD After researching the updated 100-year flood zone designations, city officials learned on Dec. 5 that there was an error in the calculation of the newly expanded flood zones in the Ely Avenue area.
Just prior to the informational meeting conducted that evening Mark Noonan, conservation officer and assistant planner, approached the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) representative in attendance with his concerns.
"Basically they said they were looking at the wrong maps," Noonan said. "Correction of the error resulted in much more narrow flood zones along Block Brook.
He continued, "I'm relieved for the residents. It's good news for them because they aren't compelled to buy flood insurance [now], but if they choose to the price will be less."
Noonan explained that while the risk of flooding is less, there is always the potential for a flood to occur. The map change simply means that the residents in this area won't be required to purchase insurance.
"We are going to officially apply for an appeal to go on record and make sure that these [mapping] changes are made," Michele Cabral, Emergency Management director and Economic Development administrator, said.
Cabral added that the town is also investigating whether it is eligible to receive a community rate for flood insurance. She hopes to have the answer within the next few weeks.
Overall, Noonan described the meeting as "a very good educational opportunity."
"We were really happy that people attending the meeting and showed an interest," Cabral said.
Noonan stated that FEMA has not presented the updated flood maps yet.