State Rep. Finn seeks re-election
Date: 8/15/2012
By Carley Dangona
carley@thereminder.comWEST SPRINGFIELD State Rep. Michael J. Finn hopes voters will re-elect him for a second term when they head to the polls on Nov. 6.
Finn stated, "It has been an absolute honor and privilege representing the people of the Sixth Hampden District. I am excited at the opportunity to listen to the concerns I'm hearing on the campaign trail and to continue working hard for two more years, making our voice heard in Boston."
If re-elected, Finn wants to continue efforts in aiding residents in the Sixth Hampden District which includes all of West Springfield, three wards in Chicopee and one ward in Springfield recovering from the lackluster economy.
Finn's opponent in the upcoming election is Lincoln Blackie, an Independent.
"The economy is still fragile," Finn said. "I want to focus on helping Massachusetts recover from the recession. I want to make it easier for small businesses to improve, to create jobs. Continuing to focus on improving the state and the local economies is important."
Finn cited his commonality as the reason voters can support him.
He said, "I'm raising a family, I have elderly parents I care for, a home to maintain; their [the voters'] concerns are the same as mine."
Finn added, "I want everybody to have the same opportunity as I have for success. I take it [his role] very seriously. I love this job," he said. "I love coming to work every day. I love having the opportunity to help people."
Approximately six months into the position, Finn faced an unforeseen challenge the June 1, 2011 tornado.
"I think we went about a month and a half without a physical place to work," Finn explained. "I ended up drawing on the experience I'd gained from the years of being on the City Council. Even though I didn't have a physical office anymore, I knew who to contact, which agencies would be important."
According to Finn's candidacy announcement, some of his accomplishments include: the state bond rating increase, and the reform of pension, EBT cards and health care repayment.
"We're one of four states in the country with a Rainy Day Fund of over a billion dollars," Finn noted.
When asked if there was anything in the current term he could have done better, Finn responded, "With regards to the tornado, I think I could've gotten a little more involved I think I could've taken a bigger leadership role."
Finn further commented, "I've learned a lot from the mistakes I've made."
In response to criticism that he tends to vote with the majority, Finn stated, "You can't really criticize good government. We've done a lot of good things for job creation; we've done a lot of good things for healthcare cost containment," he said. "If you're going to criticize me for doing a good job I suppose there could be worse things to occur."
Finn's first day as State Representative was his most memorable moment in office, one that inspires him when he faces obstacles in his job.
"The day I got sworn in I really realized the significance of the Massachusetts legislature," he recalled. "To become part of the longest-lasting democracy in the world was a honor."