West Side asks residents to lend a 'helping hand'
Date: 3/23/2010
March 24, 2010.By Katelyn Gendron
Reminder Assistant Editor
WEST SPRINGFIELD -- West Springfield residents are asking others to lend a hand for the betterment of the community.
Volunteers will gather to help repair homes, town properties and landscapes during the annual West Side Helping Hands (WSHH) Adopt a House Day on May 1. WSHH aids those who are unable to complete such repairs themselves because of financial or physical limitations.
Ellen Graves, member of WSHH, said the organization has seen numerous volunteers over the years that have worked on tasks large and small, from house painting to yard work.
She noted approximately 70 volunteers helped with various landscaping jobs and painting the inside of the high school last year.
Graves said there are some projects WSHH must turn away, however.
"Most people call and want roofs done but we can't put volunteers up on roofs," she explained.
Diane Crowell, member of WSHH, said, "Thanks to the many volunteers -- church youth groups, scouts, adult groups, families and individuals -- who are willing to donate their time for one Saturday a year, WSHH has been very successful.
"The committee is indebted to the hard work the volunteers do to assist their neighbors," she continued.
WSHH is accepting applications for yard work and house projects through March 26. For an application, contact the Community Development Office at 263-3044.
To volunteer, contact Cheryl in the Community Development Office or Graves at 736-4774.