Boilard to challenge Barry for selectman again
Date: 5/17/2010
May 17, 2010.By Courtney Llewellyn
Reminder Assistant Editor
WILBRAHAM - In 2007, incumbent selectman David Barry was challenged by resident Robert Boilard for a seat on the Board of Selectmen. That race is being repeated on the 2010 ballot and is the only race in this year's elections.
Barry, a Democrat, is running for his fourth three-year term as a selectman. He currently serves as the board's chair.
"I still have the same enthusiasm and desire as when I first ran," Barry said. "Wilbraham is a great town and my goal is to keep it that way."
Since first being elected to the Board of Selectmen in 2001 Barry has served on several town committees and often attends the monthly town directors and department heads meeting. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Rick's Place and serves as its treasurer. He is an honorary life member of the Springfield Lodge of Elks and served for over 20 years as an officer in the lodge; he is also a life member of the John Boyle O'Reilly Club.
A resident of Wilbraham since the early 1970s, Barry taught at Minnechaug Regional High School for 35 years.
"I like to think I've had a positive impact on the atmosphere in town," Barry told Reminder Publications. "I'm generally pleased with the way the town operates, and I think that's a measuring stick of how well I've done [as a selectman]."
Boilard, a Republican, is the vice-president of Boilard Lumber in Indian Orchard, is very active in town: he's currently the vice-chair of both the Finance Committee and the Capital Planning Committee, he's a member of the Retiree Health Benefits Committee and the Republican Town Committee and he also coaches girls' soccer.
Three years ago, he said it was his first and last time running for an elected position, but prompting from a variety of residents led him to run again this year.
"I want to bring the Select Board into the 21st century," Boilard said. "We can use technology to cut costs and be more efficient. I can also bring a stronger financial background to the board."
Boilard said if elected, he would bring some fresh ideas to the Select Board, based on his strong financial background and the fact he's "very involved with school-aged children" - he has three children.
"I want to bring the town forward with youth and vigor," he stated.
And, regardless of how voters cast their ballots, both men want residents to come out to vote.
Barry said the most important part of this election is that people come to the polls.
"So many years the Select Board members go unopposed," Boilard said. "I think having a challenger makes for a better selectman, no matter who wins. People need to step forward to fill these positions."
Also running this year are:
• Dawn Barnes for Assessor;
• Marianne Colby Desmond for the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School Committee;
• Philip Hamer for Cemetery Commissioner;
• Alan Burch for Water Commissioner;
• James Jurgens and Mary McCarthy for Library Trustees;
• Richard Butler and John Boudreau for the Planning Board; and
• Peter Manolakis for the Housing Authority.
The election is set for May 22 at two polling locations: voters in Precincts A and C vote at Wilbraham Middle School, 466 Stony Hill Rd.; voters in Precincts B and D vote at Soule Road Elementary School, 300 Soule Rd. Polls will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. For more information, call the Town Clerk's Office at 596-2800 ext. 200.