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Candaras meets with Chinese ambassador

Rep. Gale Candaras and Deputy Director General Huanxin Li of the Legislation Commission of the Guangdong People's Congress of China, visited in Wilbraham last week. Reminder submitted photo
WILBRAHAM Representative Gale D. Candaras (D-Wilbraham) met with Deputy Director General Huanxin Li of The Legislation Commission of the Guangdong People's Congress of China last week to discuss Massachusetts civics.

Covering a wide range of topics relating to government, law and public policy at the town, city, county, state and federal levels to the specifics of the Massachusetts bicameral form of government, including the Commonwealth's budget process and how a bill becomes law here, Huanxin Li came to Candaras seeking an understanding of the mechanics of the political process at the state and federal level.

The inquisitive Li got the answers to his numerous and diverse questions and more. Speaking through his U.S. State Department interpreter, Larry Shen, Mr. Li said, "In China we can find some information [about U.S. government] on the federal level but not [about government] on the state level. This is the most information I have ever seen on [U.S.] state government," Li said.

"We have the oldest continuously operating legislature in the country and this year we will celebrate our 375th birthday," Candaras said in her introductory remarks regarding the Massachusetts legislature. In her comments regarding the two-party political system Candaras told Li that, "Massachusetts has a long tradition of democratic politics. After all, Massachusetts is the home of former President John Fitzgerald Kennedy."

Candaras and Li also discussed at length the relationship among the executive, judicial and legislative branches of state and federal government and how they interface on legislative initiatives.

Li's visit to Wilbraham was hosted by the World Affairs Council of Western Massachusetts.