DPW accepting requests for tree plantings on public ways
Date: 8/6/2012
By Chris Maza
chrism@thereminder.comWILBRAHAM — The town of Wilbraham is putting together a plan for replanting trees in an attempt to begin the rebuilding of the canopy that was destroyed by the series of extreme weather events in 2011.
The Department of Public Works (DPW) will begin the replacement of trees on public property and some private property that were lost during the June 1, 2011 tornado, July 26, 2011 microburst and Oct. 29, 2011 snowstorm later this summer and are now accepting applications with placement suggestions.
"Our goal is to get the trees planted by the middle of November before the end of the planting season," Bill Speraza of the DPW told
Reminder Publications. "If we can't get that done, we will resume planting in the spring when the planting season begins again."
While the majority of the trees will be placed on public property, some trees may be planted on private land, provided the tree would be within 20 feet of public land and impediments such as stone walls, sidewalks, or utilities are in the way of a planting on the tree belt.
"We're trying to gauge how much interest there is," Speraza said. "First and foremost we are looking to plant trees on the right of way. People are a little bit confused about that part."
Trees do not need to be planted exactly where a tree used to stand, he added.
"We are willing to plant anywhere that is available," Speraza said.
The project is being funded by a $50,000 grant from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, as well as more than $45,000 in Community Preservation Act monies that were approved for such a purpose at the Annual Town Meeting.
Speraza said the DPW does not know how many trees it will be able to plant until it gets a price on both the trees and the installation costs.
"We are going out to bid for the price and installing of the trees," he said. "Once we have those numbers, we will have a pretty good idea of how far this money will go."
Two separate applications for public and private property tree placements can be found on the DPW's page on the town's website,
http://wilbraham-ma.gov. The applications can be filled out electronically or printed and mailed to the DPW's Engineering Office at Town Hall, 240 Springfield St., Wilbraham, MA 01095. They are also available to be picked up at Town Hall.
Those applying for a tree planting on private property must also sign a waiver that must be sent to the Engineering Department.
"Once people submit the paperwork requesting trees, we meet with them to take a look at the site and determine if it works," Speraza said.
While the deadline for applications is Aug. 24, Speraza said if the bid process turns out favorable for the town and there is enough interest, the application process may be re-opened.
Available tree species include Red Maple, Sugar Maple, Northern Red Oak, Sweet Gum, Sargent Cherry, Kousa Dogwood and Lemon Crab. The DPW has suggested that any tree not be planted within 10 feet of a driveway, wheelchair ramp or fire hydrants; five feet behind or 10 feet in front of signs; five feet of underground utility lines; 10 feet of street lights, least 15 feet of storm sewer inlets; or 30 feet of intersections
Any trees planted must be a minimum of 20 to 30 feet apart.