Hampden sets residential tax rate for FY10
Date: 1/11/2010
Jan. 11, 2010HAMPDEN -- The Hampden Board of Assessors received approval for the fiscal year 2010 (FY10) tax rate on Dec. 18. The tax rate will be $15.84 per thousand for all classes of prop-erty.
The actual tax bills for the third and fourth quarter of FY10 were mailed at the end of December. The third quarter tax bill is due on Feb. 1, and the fourth quarter bill is due on May 1.
Any questions regarding your tax payments should be directed to the Tax Collector's office at 566-2151 ext. 104.
Any questions regarding the assessed value of real or personal property should be directed to the Board of Assessors office at 566-2151 ext. 106. Any real or personal tax abatement applications must be filed with the Board of Assessor no later than Feb. 1.