Kelly’s memory lives on through literature
Date: 1/9/2012
Jan. 9, 2012By Chris Maza
Reminder Assistant Editor
WILBRAHAM — The late Helen Kelly was always fond of her time helping the Wilbraham Public Library (WPL).
A former teacher and principal in the Springfield Public School District, she understood the library’s importance and as member of the Friends of the Wilbraham Public Library, she often could be found volunteering her time toward its betterment, according to her daughter Dunreith Kelly Lowenstein.
“She was a lifelong learner as well as a lifelong educator,” she said.
Now, after her passing, Kelly’s memory will live on at WPL through its new book club kits.
Thanks to donations made in her honor by the request of her family, the library now has a plethora kits.
“Each kit contains 10 copies of a book, a set of discussion questions, and a journal for readers to share their thoughts on the book or pass along experiences from their discussions,” Acting Library Director Karen Demers said. “The intent is to provide a convenient service for current book clubs in town, as well as inspire those wishing to host a club with an easy way to get started.”
Lowenstein, who taught English and social studies for 10 years at Wilbraham and Monson Academy called the library “a key resource for me and my students,” and worked closely with Demers in developing the program, which has already seen a great deal of success.
“We have had several enthusiastic inquiries — three of the kits were checked out in the first week,” Demers said.
Demers added that because of Kelly’s own involvement in reading groups at the library, to have a program that encourages them seems only fitting.
“The library staff is very pleased to be able to use the donations in Helen’s memory to launch this project,” Demers said. “Staff members worked closely with Helen over the years through her own participation in the library’s ‘Booked for Lunch’ discussion group as well as her work for the Friends of the Library. We feel that Helen would be glad to be remembered in this way.”
In addition to an appropriate tribute, Demers said the kits serve a specific need that many libraries have.
“With the increasing popularity of book clubs, libraries have been looking for ways to assist — either by helping leaders locate discussion questions, providing resources to make selections, or even locating multiple copies of books to borrow through library networks,” she said. “These kits are convenient for clubs to use as they provide everything you need in one place — and it is easier for the library to manage.”
Book club kits are available to be borrowed for six-week periods with titles including “The Gendarme,” by Mark T. Mustain, “Woodsburner,” by John Pipkin, “Mink River,” by Brian Doyle and “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” by Rebecca Sloot.
For more information and a complete list of available titles, visit the reference desk at WPL.