School administrators move to new Minnechaug
Date: 8/13/2012
By Chris Maza
chrism@thereminder.comWILBRAHAM — The administrative offices of the Hampden-Wilbraham Regional School District (HWRSD) have officially moved to their new permanent home in the new Minnechaug Regional High School Building (MRHS), the district announced on Aug. 7.
"The logistics of such a move are challenging — whether it's across the country or across the parking lot. The district and MRHS personnel, working with the construction teams, public utilities, and others, all did an outstanding job," O'Shea said. "For the most part, the move went smoothly, although we appreciate everyone's patience and cooperation as we deal with some of the glitches."
Now that the leadership team is settled, the district has also announced its plans to host two open houses at the new high school for the general public on Aug. 29 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and Sept. 8, from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Those wishing to see the new school and its resources may stop by at anytime during those periods. Staff will not be able to accommodate individual requests at other times.
O'Shea expressed his excitement in the prospect of hosting the open houses, stating it was an opportunity to showcase the hard work of several different committees and organizations.
"This is the culmination of many years of work by numerous people including members of the School Committee, MRHS Building Committee, Town Officials and Minnechaug Pride, as well as school administrators, faculty, staff, students and citizens to bring a quality 21st century high school to our two communities and we are anxious to show it off," he said.
O'Shea added that the school building will be open and ready for classes, which begin on Aug. 29, but more work on the surrounding area, including the building of roads, parking lots and athletic facilities, as well as the total demolition of the old high school building remains.
In addition, a number of Minnechaug alumni have been circulating a website,, via social media that may offer a bit of nostalgia.
On the site is a photo album entitled, "Minnechaug's Last Days." The photos, taken by Joe Roberts, John Bedard and Paul Goewe, were taken on July 2 and 25 as the school building was being prepared for final abatement and demolition.