WILBRAHAM The Wilbraham Board of Selectmen announced recently that they would like to hear from town residents willing to give their time and talents to the Board of Cemetery Commissioners or the Board of Water Commissioners. Each board has a vacancy since the annual election in May, when two newly elected officials were not able to accept the positions. Kevin J. Moriarty, chairman of the Board of Selectmen, would like to hear from people with an interest in being active and involved on these boards. "We are looking for enthusiastic people who can contribute to policy development and service delivery in the specialized area of responsibility for each commission," Moriarty said. The appointees will serve until the next election in May 2006. Ideally, the appointed member would then run for election for the balance of the three-year term. Individuals wishing to participate on a town board or committee should send a letter about their interest, or a resume, to the Board of Selectmen at the Town Office Building, 240 Springfield Street. Volunteers should be town residents and registered voters. For more information, residents may consult the Annual Town Report, available at the Town Office Building, which includes reports from the various committees. *** The Wilbraham Board of Selectmen met with leaders of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers (IBPO) Local 605 lastt week to sign a two-year collective bargaining agreement covering the period from July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2005. The contract provides no increase in base pay for the first year of the agreement and a 3.0 percent increase for the second year. "Wilbraham's Police Department has a state-wide reputation for being a highly professional operation," said Selectmen Chairman Kevin J. Moriarty. "In this contract our officers demonstrate their commitment to our community by joining other town employees in forgoing a pay raise during a period of fiscal stress." The town and union negotiated numerous changes to benefits and department operations, incorporating union and town proposals. "Overall the contract strikes a good balance between the concerns of union members and management. It reflects a high level of cooperation between union and town representatives," Moriarty added. The IBPO Local 605 represents the department's 22 Patrol Officers and 5 Sergeants. |