Date: 1/18/2022
AMHERST – As the renovation of the Jones Library approaches, the Historical Commission received a lengthy and informative historical structure report during their Jan. 12 meeting on the building and its history.
During their meeting, which became a joint meeting with the Library Board of Trustees, this report, as requested by members of the commission, was to provide some information and history to show the significance of the town building that has become so famous the last century.
“This is a marker for us as a community to discuss historical significance and elegance of the library,” said commission Chair Jane Wald. “From our perspective on the Historical Commission, we wanted to document and honor and preserve important significant elements of this very important community structure, but also provide an objective benchmark for being able to prioritize specific historic structures in the building.”
Eric Gradoia, who is a consultant in the field of architectural history and building conservation and currently the director of Historic Preservation at Historic Deerfield, led the charge in preparing the project. Gradoia also once held a position on the Massachusetts Historical Commission.
Working along side Gradoia was Ann Marshall, a visiting lecturer in architecture at UMass and owner of her own architectural practice, and Carly Regalado, a Michigan State graduate in political science pre-law who is now pursuing master’s degrees at the University of Massachusetts in historic preservation and architecture.
Gradoia opened his presentation saying it was to provide an architectural description, analysis of plans in relation to initial design, an assessment of physical conditions and offer recommendations of treatments for the building.
When starting in the Jones construction history, Gradoia said the Boston architect firm, Putnam and Cox, that started in 1901 was the group behind the creation of the Jones. He added that the firm is known for 50 different buildings and structures across the state, but what is written of them often notes the Jones Library as one of their best pieces of work.
Allen Howard Cox, of Putnam and Cox, took control of the Jones and became the principal attributed through the documentation of the project as designer of the building and overseeing its construction, according to Gradoia. The work of this firm was primarily colonial revival style, known as the new colonial style in its era. This is a design type that took inspiration from early American building examples from the 17th and 18th century.
“When you look at this building, this is a colonial revival structure that is heavily inspired and deeply rooted in Connecticut river valley architecture,” Gradoia said.
He explained some history behind the Connecticut river valley architecture design, saying that in the 17th and 18th centuries, unlike coastal communities, the towns within the Connecticut River Valley were largely isolated and distant from influences and current fashions going on in these areas. As a result of that, a unique development of styles with high detail became popular in the region.
“A way to show off status was to show off a new development building type that differentiated itself from tradition,” Gradoia added.
According to Gradoia, where you can really see this inspiration on the Jones is in its unique style and more specifically the front of the library as it showcases Connecticut River Valley doorways through its design above the door, and with the panel work within the doorway.
“The idea was to design this building after a residence,” Gradoia said. “This is a really unique departure and unique building type.”
He went on to explain the stone materials on the building had some wear and tear, but added to the look of the Jones. He also mentioned on the “L” shaped portion of the library that the sun porches, as they are referred to, was something out of a vernacular dwelling house in the era.
Inside the building Gradoia referred to the interior finishes as “exquisite” and as a whole, the inside moves away from 18th century mansion form and utilizes a federal style form with a lot of high quality woodwork.
While Gradoia says so much of the inside of the buildings condition is still in good condition, there is at least one area of the current construction that has essentially served its purpose to its fullest extent.
“You got your money out of this roof; its sort of served its term,” Gradoia said.
One detractor of the library is the growth surrounding the building, according to Gradoia.
“I am all for landscaping and proper landscaping, but they [plants] need to be laid out properly because they grow. It detracts from seeing the architecture and seeing the building as a whole and what it was meant to be,” Gradoia said.
After concluding his presentation, the commission and Board of Trustees expressed gratitude for Gradoia, Marshall and Regalado. Commission and board members reflected in their comments that being able to see the qualities within the Jones’ architecture gave them a new appreciation of the historic Amherst building.
“What you described is the inheritance of the unique Connecticut River Valley architecture and tradition has really struck a chord and driven home the essential features of this library and its inheritance from domestic architecture at the same time,” Wald said. “It’s illuminating to have this perspective and what you have brought to our understanding of this building.”
Gradoia added that he cannot site another example of an institutional building similar to the Jones in the whole Connecticut river valley.
“It’s a continuation of tradition here in the valley, that’s the way I look at it,” Gradoia said.
Austin Sarat, a Jones trustee, said he was incredibly grateful for the report.
“I thought I knew the building, but seeing it through your eyes I have realized there was so much in the building I had never seen and never appreciated,” Sarat said. “This building is a treasure.”
Sarat continued explaining that an extensive vetting process of architects had been put on when contemplating renovation of the Jones with a top standard guiding their decision was wanting a firm with a record of historical preservation of which the board could be certain of.
“You offered us a vision. Your recommendations gave me confidence that we have the right architects,” Sarat said.
One piece that Gradoia left the meeting with was that the town should “listen to the building” for its needs as it is a special piece of architecture that the town should be proud of.
The full report is available the Historical Commission’s Jan. 12 meeting packet on the town’s website.