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LWCF to partially fund Amherst North Common project

Date: 6/27/2022

AMHERST – Massachusetts and the National Park Service selected Amherst to receive up to $827,000 in federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) grants for its revitalization project of the North Common, the town announced in a press release.

The $1.8 million project will rework the approximately 1-acre North Common with new accessible walkways, improved lighting, new shade trees, spaces for public art, gathering areas with tables and chairs, a central space for small performers and more. The work is anticipated to begin in spring 2023 and be completed by June 2024. The project will also convert the Main Street parking lot into a plaza and walking space.

The project is in its final design phase with bidding expected to start late this year. Plans and updates about the project as well as a suggestion and contact box are available online at

The idea to rework the North Common began in 2013 with public forums and concept designs by 2018. Town Council approved a preliminary plan on March 22, 2021. The press release said that local funding for the project comes from the Community Preservation Act (CPA) funds that were approved for recreation and historic preservation. The town has approved over $1 million for the project, which will now be used to match the LWCF grant. Before the grant, the town had considered supplementing the project with money from the Transportation Fund.

“This is really a transformative project,” Assistant Town Manager Dave Ziomek said. “It will activate the North Common – make it completely ADA accessible, new lighting, walkways, gathering spaces and many additional trees and plantings. We are creating a destination in the heart of downtown Amherst.”

Amherst’s South Common will remain unchanged as a large, open space for fairs, gatherings and the Farmer’s Market while the more relaxed, intimate North Common will be remodeled to attract residents and visitors alike into downtown Amherst and subsequently aid the restaurants and retailers nearby.

“We are extremely excited and grateful to receive grant funding through the LWCF Program for this important initiative,” Ziomek said. “Staff, residents and town committee members have been working on this project for close to a decade. The plans have evolved through the years to address many challenges of the site. The LWCF grant gives us the added funding that allows us to combine these funds with those from CPA and not use Transportation Fund money, which is still recovering from the [coronavirus] pandemic.”

Executive Director of the Amherst Business Improvement District Gabrielle Gould added, “Returning this area to the people and creating a stunning center of our town continues to build on the many game changers we are striving for to bring Amherst back post-pandemic better, more equitable, and destination-worthy for visitors and residents alike.”