Date: 2/28/2024
BELCHERTOWN — A building at 51 State St. that had housed the Belchertown Family Center was recently demolished, leaving the people who run the center in need of a new home and a way to bring children’s programs and public services to the community.
The Family Center was created with a mission to provide early childhood enrichment through activities and play, as well as early intervention programs. In the past few years, the center began offering community outreach services, including a community closet for those in need of clothing. The center also partnered with the Police Department on a car seat safety program, Clapp Memorial Library for a music curriculum and Northampton-based Collaboration for Educational Services to host play groups.
The State Street building needed a new roof, boiler, window and doors, and renovations and repairs to the bathrooms, HVAC system, floors and siding. A plan by the Belchertown Family Center Committee to save the building failed to gain traction.
As a town-owned entity, the Family Center cannot solicit donations. “It adds a layer of complexity to all this,” Martin said.
The town had asked the Family Center to close due to the building conditions in July 2023. Without a physical space, Belchertown Family Center Committee Chair Natasha Martin said the programming stalled. Since then, the Recreation Department has offered the use of a space in the Recreation Center for the Family Center to operate programs. Martin added that the town has agreed to install a fence so children can use outdoor space in the spring and summer.
The center is determining what programs it can offer in its new space and through partnerships with other town departments and organizations. “We’re doing the best we can to develop a slate of programs to offer,” said Martin.
Martin said her team has had to get creative. Instead of operating the community closet, the Family Center recently hosted a winter clothing and gear swap at the Town Hall. She said the event was not as well-attended as those that took place at the Family Center building, but added, “It was great to be able to provide things to families in need.” Moving forward, the center is planning to host clothing and gear swaps four times per year.
Martin said that the center needs volunteers to help with programs and three people to serve on the committee.
For updates on the Belchertown Family Center and its programming, visit