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Belchertown once again looking for a treasurer/collector

Date: 2/8/2023

BELCHERTOWN – Belchertown is looking for a treasurer/collector after the Select Board’s offer was declined by their chosen applicant.

The current treasurer/collector Lisa Banner is retiring in early 2023. On Dec. 20, 2022, the board hosted interviews with three candidates for the soon-to-be vacant position and after a lengthy discussion, it selected Ashley Walker to become the treasurer/collector in a 3-2 vote.

One of the main discussion points was that Walker did not have a college degree, which was a requirement.

According to Select Board Chair Jim Barry, Walker heard the board’s discussion and comments online after the Dec. 20, 2022, recorded board meeting was posted on Belchertown TV and decided to decline their offer.

At the Jan. 3 Select Board meeting, Barry notified everyone of Walker’s decision and read aloud a letter she sent.

Walker said, “After much thought and consideration, I first wanted to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work for the town of Belchertown however I decided to decline the offer of treasurer/collector. The decision did not come easy but made me realize how appreciated and valued I am in the town of Ware. I have earned respect of all my employees and board members based on my hard work and dedication. Ultimately my decision to decline came after discussion from the board.”
Walker has been the treasurer/collector for the town of Ware for the past year.

Barry added, “I think it goes to highlight how what we say and how we say it has an impact. I was disappointed to hear that she was primarily better off where she is because of how she was treated here. I do not want people to think this is how this board operates and that we treat potential employees this way.”

Select Board members Ed Boscher and Jen Turner were the two Select Board members who voted against Walker.

Boscher said, “Our job is to make sure we have candidates that meet required specifications. I am OK that someone who did not meet the minimum qualifications is not getting paid top dollar. That is our key role. I would like to have qualified applicants.”

Turner added, “That is the reason we have a search committee to get the best candidates. I am not sure that we all agreed that we were pleased with the candidates presented and there was this time pressure with our current treasurer/collector retiring.”

Turner also hinted that she would like the search committee to present the board with more qualified candidates in the future.

She said, “This whole search process could be a lesson to future search committees about making sure candidates are presented to us and they are well vetted before we have public conversation.”
Town Administrator Gary Brougham’s tone seemed to change after this statement by Turner and noticed a trend with the Select Board’s behavior.

He said, “There were six well qualified people on the search committee representing multiple jurisdictions in this town that spent hours in this [Select Board] room. They would have never passed off someone they felt was unqualified. Going forward, I do not think anyone from that search committee is willing to do it again.

Brougham added, “This is not the first time. This is an ongoing behavior and becoming more difficult to do the right thing to keep the town running in the right direction on a day to day basis. Perhaps members of the Select Board would like to do the interviews and let the people who have many other things to do in other offices do what they are intended to do.”

Barry said the search process was started up again immediately after Walker declined the treasurer/collector position.