Date: 1/31/2023
BELCHERTOWN – The Select Board met with the Flagpole Policy Task Committee to approve a flag policy at its Jan. 23 meeting.
Select Board Chair Jim Barry said the Select Board looked for volunteers in town to make a Flagpole Policy Task Committee for its town flag policy after Boston was sued for denying flying a specific groups flag.
Boston has three flag poles in front of City Hall. They use one of them for ceremonial flags and the other two have an American flag and Commonwealth of Massachusetts flag.
The Supreme Court ruled unanimously in May 2022 that the city of Boston violated the Constitution when it refused to let a local organization fly a Christian flag in front of City Hall.
The Flagpole Policy Task Committee drafted this policy by examining the Supreme Court’s decision.
According to Barry, the Belchertown Policy Task Committee was established to make guidelines for Belchertown for the display of flags of the United States of America, town of Belchertown, the National League of Families POW/MIA flags and ceremonial flags.
“Many towns have been requested to fly a variety of flags on town flag poles and we wanted to have a policy in place,” Barry said.
There are two flagpoles located in front of Town Hall on Jabish Street.
One flagpole flies the flag of the United States and the National League of Families POW/MIA flag. The second flagpole flies the town of Belchertown flag and a gold star flag which commemorates families who lost a member in the military.
During World War l, families flew a flag that included a blue star for family members in the U.S. military, and if a loved one died, the blue star was replaced by a gold star.
The policy also states, “The town does not, nor has it ever, intended to designate either flagpole to be a public forum for free expression, but rather, both flagpoles serve only as a vehicle for the town of Belchertown’s governmental speech and its expression of official policy sentiments.”
Based on the new policy, a ceremonial flag can be flown if approved by the Select Board and meets the standards in the policy.
Ceremonial flags that can be displayed by the town of Belchertown are flags of governments recognized by the United States and flags displayed in conjunction with official proclamations.
A Flagpole Policy Task Committee member said, “Belchertown is taking the lead. Not only in Massachusetts but in the nation. There are few towns who have dealt with this problem. We are way ahead, and this can be a template for many municipalities.”
The Select Board shifted its focus to setting a date to host a public forum on possibly awarding a new liquor license.
They will host a public forum on this topic during the Feb. 20 Select Board meeting.
The 2020 census indicated that the town of Belchertown had surpassed the minimum population of 15,000 and was now able to award one more “all-alcohol package store license.”
The Select Board stated it is not required to grant a license just because it has one available and is interested in hearing from the public before deciding.
They would like residents to answer the following questions: Is there a “public need” for one more all alcohol liquor license? If so, where should a ‘package store’ be located to meet that need? What other matters (such as traffic and noise) should be considered when reviewing applications?
Community members can mail their responses to Select Board, The Finnerty House, P.O. Box 670, Belchertown, MA 01001 or send an email to
Comments should be received by 12 p.m. on Feb. 17, 2023.