Date: 2/21/2023
BELCHERTOWN – The search for a new treasurer/collector has resulted in a new selection after a couple of bumps in the road.
With current Treasurer/Collector Lisa Banner set to retire in February., Belchertown has been looking for her replacement for approximately three months.
After hosting interviews for three candidates in December 2022, the board appointed Ashley Walker to be the town’s next treasurer/collector.
Walker decided not to accept the position after hearing certain comments from the Select Board including members discussing her lack of a college degree.
This caused the Select Board to advertise the position and try to find more candidates.
The Select Board voted unanimously to name Aime Chrzanowski as the treasurer/collector after interviewing her at its Feb. 13 meeting.
Chrzanowski started her career earning a math major in college and working at a bank. After a couple of the banks she worked at decided to merge, she took a break and took on some part-time jobs while also being a stay at home mom.
“When I was ready to go back to work, I thought municipal jobs because banking was great but was at the height of a lot of mergers. There was a treasurer/clerk position in Holyoke and a lot of it I could relate to what I have done. The assistant treasurer was moving over to collector and in a short amount of time I became assistant treasurer,” Chrzanowski added.
Chrzanowksi said that she also worked as a clerk, office manager and superintendent at different points for Holyoke DPW and her department posted great collection numbers when it came to bills.
“I had to go through union negotiations and big budgets with different divisions. On the treasure side I would like to get back to that as my primary position. The office manager is great, and I love the staff, but I would love to get back into treasurer and collecting work,” Chrzanowksi said.
Select Board Clerk Peg Louraine asked, “What kind of research have you done about Belchertown to make this feel like a good move for you?”
Chrzanowksi responded, “Aside from the community being much nicer, it has a different governmental feel. It is a smaller town as opposed to a bigger city in the area. Financially I know that things are in a bit of better shape than Holyoke, so I feel it is a different position. Moving from a large department to a smaller one would help me.”
Chrzanowksi has also begun taking part in the Massachusetts Treasurer and Collector Association certification process.
She said, “It is a three year program on each side. Three years for treasurer and three years for collector. I am first certified on the treasurer side and would be willing to continue to do and achieve. It’s a rigorous course but you learn a tremendous amount like financing, collecting and legislation.”
Banner said that she met with Chrzanowksi before the Select Board meeting and said that she is a great fit for the position based on her experience, knowledge and willingness to learn and work with others.
The Select Board then discussed deadlines for Special/Annual Town Meeting which is set to take place on May 15.
Select Board Chair Jim Barry added “We also meet prior to the Annual Town Meeting and host a Special Town Meeting to take care of leftover work that needs to be done from the previous fiscal year.”
The closing date for warrant article submissions for Special Town Meeting will be March 9 at 4:30 p.m. and the closing date for warrant article submission for Annual Town Meeting will be March 16 at 4:30 p.m.
Barry said, “Citizens are welcomed to put a warrant article on Town Meeting If they want to. It does not take a lot of work, but you do need to meet some deadlines and get some signatures. You can find more information from the Town Clerk Office.”