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Candidates discuss issues ahead of Belchertown's Select Board election

Date: 5/9/2022

BELCHERTOWN – Ahead of Belchertown’s town election on May 16, candidates in the Select Board race answered a set of questions to discuss some of the biggest issues looming for the community.

Incumbents Edward Boscher and Jennifer Turner are running for re-election to the Select Board while newcomer Luke Dunn is challenging for one of their seats.

Dunn did not respond to questions by press time.

Reminder Publishing (RP): What made you want to run for another term on the board?

Edward Boscher: I enjoy know ing my efforts benefit all Belchertown residents.

Jennifer Turner: My platform has and continues to be focused on economic development for all people and families in Belchertown, including those who have been here for generations and those just now moving into town. We need leadership that values and creates opportunities for everyone. I’m running for another term to continue building on key initiatives I’ve started, including implementation of economic development strategies outlined in a state-funded, local rapid-recovery program, and assisting with onboarding our new HR director and town manager.

RP: How do you plan to tackle the town manager/town administrator transition if you are re-elected?

Boscher: The plan is to conduct a thorough search and find some of the best candidates out there that are willing to tackle some of the tougher modernization efforts outlined by the Division of Local Services report that was presented to us in January.

Turner: Find the right candidate using a neutral recruitment firm and have the town manager strengthen the foundation we’ve been building for departmental collaboration and continuous improvement, to move our town forward with the assistance of the new HR director and an ARPA [American Rescue Plan Act]-funded economic development consultant.

RP: What other challenges do you see in the upcoming term and how do you hope to address them?

Boscher: The biggest challenges lay in strengthening our current budgetary approaches. Maintaining a strong school system is a must, long range forecasting is a must, dedicated capital planning outside of operational budgets is a must, improving resident access to town information is a must, following through with the Sportshaven path is a must. Big challenges and it will take coordinated efforts all around to be successful.

Turner: Other challenges in the upcoming term are fully realizing town website revisions and implementing the recommendations outlined in the recently completed state audit by the Division of Local Services, which includes addressing the structural deficit.

RP: Why do you think residents should vote you back into office?

Boscher: We’ve made much progress as a board and we need to keep improving. As one of the architects of the current plan, it would be beneficial to the town residents to keep going down these paths of modernization to improve overall efficiency. In addition, I care about all of Belchertown and want to see us make the most of our tax dollars that we all pay into the budgets.

Turner: By voting for me, residents will have the stability of leadership through this next transition phase for our town, continued focus on economic development, and financial stability.