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Community discusses Jabish Brook Middle School project

Date: 5/23/2023

BELCHERTOWN — On May 10, the Belchertown community gathered in the Jabish Brook Middle School and virtually to offer their input on the Jabish Brook Middle School project.

Members from the architectural firm Lamoureux Associates and Skanska led the presentation.

Skanska is a project development and construction group and was chosen as the owner’s project manager.

In March 2022, Belchertown residents approved a feasibility study on Jabish Brook Middle School to explore potential renovations, repairs or the prospect of building an entirely new school in town.
Jabish Brook Middle School was built in 1964 and members of the school department including Superintendent Brian Cameron said that the school needs 21st century upgrades.

Lamoureux Associates Project Manager Christopher Lee said, “Some of the things we observed is the swells that weave in and out around the fields, maybe that could be a concern.”

The presentation discussed the potential layout, lobby area, outdoor learning features, infrastructure, heart of the school, design, theme, classroom layout and priorities of the Jabish Brook Middle School projects.

The presentation also showed past projects that Lamoureux Associates have worked on and can replicate in a new Jabish Brook Middle School.

Community members offered their input on what priorities are important to them like parking, fixing the “deteriorating” building, traffic access, air condition and heating system, drainage and athletic field use.
Lamoureux Associates President Kathryn Crockett said, “We are excited to be a part of the Jabish Brook Middle School project. These visioning sessions are opportunities for us to get input from the community that we can use to shape how the school will be redeveloped.”

The interactive session asked members multiple questions throughout the presentation to see what the community would like to see in the next school.

Belchertown Public Schools are also working with the Massachusetts School Building Authority.

Skanksa Principal-in-Charge Dale Caldwell explained where the current timeline of the project.

Right now, the team is at the beginning of looking through the feasibility study and working toward a preferred schematic report to determine what will go into the construction and renovations.

When looking through the feasibility study, there are three tasks that must be completed.

Caldwell added, “The state requires us to look at three options. One is the way the building is today; the design team and their engineers go through the building and develop a report to see the needs in the future and sets a benchmark. The second option which will require us to look at if there is additional renovation. That typically that second option presents multiple options because you put addition on the north side, south side, east side, one floor, two floor. Finally, we are required to look for new building location. It could be on site, it could be another town owned building if there is one.”

According to Caldwell, it must be decided by October 2023 if the project will include making renovations to the current Jabish Brook Middle School building or constructing a brand new school at a different site.
Caldwell added that based on the process MSBA created, each item could take months.

“The MSBA has a very scripted process that we have to go through. There is a significant amount of work that goes into this. We are always asked why it takes so long, we have to follow the process with the MSBA,” Caldwell said.

According to the timeline, the town would vote to approve local funding in the middle of 2024. The construction would start in the summer of 2025 and be completed summer 2027.

One item that is also being discussed once the project is complete is reorganizaing the grade levels in each school.

Currently pre-K and kindergarten students go to Cold Spring Elementary School, first through third grade students go to Swift River Elementary School, fourth through six grade students go to Chestnut Hill Community School, seventh and eighth grade students go to Jabish Brook Middle School and Belchertown High School consists of students in grades 9-12.

The new reconstruction would close Cold Spring Elementary School and make Swift River Elementary School for pre-K through second grade, Chestnut Hill Community School for grades 3-5 and Jabish Brook Middle School would be for students sixth through eighth grade.

Cameron said, “We as administrators and staff are really advocating for the sixth through eight for a couple of reasons. One reason is, developmentally we believe sixth graders should be with the seventh and eighth graders for independence. Secondly, it would give them exposure to programming subjects and foreign languages learning. Another reason is in the realignment, we would also be getting rid of our most expensive building to maintain which is Cold Springs.”

He added, “We have the space, we have the staff. For example, swift river there was pre-school there at one time. Overall, the classroom space is there.”

Visit, under the Jabish Brook Building Committee and Subcommittees menu, to view past and upcoming meetings to keep track of the progress of the project.