Date: 6/6/2022
BELCHERTOWN – This year, the Belchertown Recreation Department has a variety of summer programs for residents and surrounding communities to enjoy.
The Recreation Department is planning their Summer D.A.Y.S. (Daytime Activities and Youth Sports) program, an adult basketball league, horseback riding and swim lessons through American Red Cross at Chestnut Hill Pool, in addition to sports clinics – soccer, tennis, volleyball, cheerleading and field hockey.
Recreation Director Kyle Thibeault said, “We’re getting back into the swing of things in regard to the programming for this summer specifically with what we’re able to offer and some of the instructors that would like to run different programs through our department.”
He went on to say, “Throughout the whole [coronavirus] pandemic, we tried to provide different avenues for the community to still participate in, certain activities for the youth and for our adults. We tried to provide as much as we could as safely as we could during COVID[-19]. Over this past year, we’ve gone back into a normal routine again of what we provide.”
The other summer programs include a Mad Science program, summer running program, Safe Sitter program where boys and girls learn how to handle emergencies while babysitting, story time yoga adventure for children and LEGOS, Play-Well TEKnologies. Tey also offer boys basketball summer league for Grades 3-5, high school basketball (varsity/junior varsity) summer league, NFL flag football and high school recreation basketball (DARE) for seniors who graduate in June of 2022. During the summertime, the department has the town beach they manage at Lake Arcadia where they have lifeguards and a concession stand.
In addition to their summer programs, the department will have their normal programs that run throughout the year with Jujitsu, yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, pickle ball and baton twirling. The department’s goal is to provide an assortment of activities and programming that gets the community interested from the youth programs all the way to the adult programs. Thibeault said the department is always looking to add new types of programs, and that anyone who is interested in trying a different program can sit down with the department to figure out how they can try to provide the space needed and what they are looking to run for age groups.
“People are looking forward to getting back into their programming,” Thibeault responded. “Whether it’s playing pickleball outdoors and/or being active or back with their yoga group. We’re really just trying to provide another avenue to get people out and give them as many programs and activities in this post-[coronavirus] pandemic time.”
To register for events, go to their website at where families can create an account for their household. Once an account has been created, residents will see what activities and programs the department has, when it takes place and how much it costs. All information is located on their website.
The Belchertown Recreation Department is located on 66 State St., building 1. Their hours are Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Friday 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. For info call 323-0419 or email