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Carey sets his sights on second term as state representative

Date: 10/13/2020

EASTHAMPTON – State Rep. Daniel Carey is approaching the end of his first term in office and said he is focused on being re-elected in November to continue to work hard for the people of the Second Hampshire District.

He represents Easthampton, Hadley, South Hadley and Precinct 2 in Granby.

Before becoming state representative, Carey was on the school committee and city council. He said he ran for state representative to ensure that our district was represented by someone with experience and energy who would bring the needs in Western Massachusetts to the Statehouse. While working with both committees, the insight he developed helps him assist all four towns in the district with both state and local issues.

Carey is a member of four legislative committees, the Joint Committee on Education, the Joint Committee on Election Laws, the Joint Committee on Mental Health, Substance Use, and Recovery, and the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture.

He said all four committees have been very active in this session. The Education Committee put forward the Student Opportunity Act which was passed by the full legislature and signed into law.

“This historic bill revamped the outdated school funding formula. A priority of mine when I was elected,” Carey said.

During the pandemic, the Election Laws Committee worked to expand voting by mail and early voting to make sure elections this fall are safe and accessible to all.

Carey said a huge part of his work is assisting constituents in a variety of ways. When people have an issue with a state agency, they reach out to him. During the pandemic, that worked picked up while his office helped people with unemployment, Registry of Motor Vehicles, and other issues.

“As we continue to face this pandemic, the legislature has been meeting remotely and is working on the budget as well as responding to pandemic needs. With revenues down due to the pandemic, I am focused on making sure our towns and our schools are not left holding the bag,” said Carey.

He said there is still much work to be done. He continues to fight for stronger environmental bills to combat climate change, continues to work toward increases resources to fight the ongoing opioid epidemic, and making sure that mental health is being appropriately addressed during this time of increased physical and social distancing.

Before the pandemic, he was holding office hours at least four times a month, once in each town that he represents. Now that meetings cannot be held in person, he is meeting with people over the phone or on Zoom. He said people should call his office anytime to set up a meeting.

“I believe it is important for me to hear from my constituents so that I can fairly represent them on Beacon Hill. It is a great opportunity for folks to ask me questions or share their concerns and suggestions,” he said.

Over the course of two years, his favorite part about his job is working with the people of the district. He said he has met many incredible people who do amazing work in the community, loves connecting with them to listen to their stories, and work together to make the community the best it can be.

“I have very much been missing seeing people face to face during this pandemic but I look forward to in-person meetings resuming as soon as they can,” he said.