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Easthampton City Council approves over $3 million in funding for City Space

Date: 9/12/2022

EASTHAMPTON – Described by one member as “a long time coming,” the City Council unanimously approved an appropriation of $3.25 million to the renovation of the Old Town Hall, better known as the CitySpace Project during a Sept. 7 meeting.

Of this total, $1.25 million will come from the Community Preservation Fund, which can be used for historical preservation, open space or affordable housing. The remaining $2 million will come from a bonding authorization through the treasurer with approval from the mayor, also approved by the council. The bond will be approved once the project receives matching funds.

“This expands quality of life,” said Councilor Daniel Rist. “Easthampton residents will enjoy the same quality performances that Northampton and Springfield currently do.”

These funds will be utilized for the second phase of the project—construction of a second-floor performance space and a new ADA-compliant entrance and elevator. CitySpace is a community-driven, volunteer-managed, center for the arts. The site currently hosts art galleries, exercise programs and live music.

The appropriation puts the project well on track to meet its goal of $7.5 million to cover construction and renovation costs. According to documents provided by the council with the agenda, the project has over $4.4 million in commitments, including money from the city, private donors and different foundations. More than $2 million in grants is pending.

CitySpace Board President Burns Maxey described the Old Town Hall as a “gem of a building” and often the first thing people see when arriving in Easthampton.

“We want to create a sustainable organization,” said Maxey. “Affordability and accessibility for artists to come together.”

Thomas Brown and Gwynne Morrissey, both of the city’s Development and Industrial Commission, strongly expressed their support for this appropriation. Brown said the performance space seats 250-300 people and since the events get out around 7 p.m., they often frequent the downtown businesses.

“We’re super excited that Easthampton continues to be on this roll,” said Morrissey. “These are little windows of opportunity to do things to benefit the business and support an artsy feel.”

Council passes resolution to change state flag

The council unanimously approved a resolution to be sent to the Legislature to change the state flag and seal. Sponsored by City Councilors Homar Gomez, Owen Zarat and Salem Derby, the resolution reads, “in support of the work of the Special Commission Relative to the Seal and Motto of the Commonwealth, established by a Resolve of the General Court in 2020 and appointed by the Governor to recommend changes to the current flag and seal of Massachusetts, and in support of a new seal and motto for the Commonwealth that may better reflect our aspirations for harmonious and respectful relations between all people who now call Massachusetts home.”

Zarat said this resolution is the “smallest of things we can do to support what’s right.” Rist agreed that this needs to be done, citing similar efforts to change the names of sports teams found to be offensive.
“Words say and mean a lot but pictures are worth a thousand times more,” said Rist. “This needs to be changed.”

As a member of the Wampanoag Tribe, Derby said he was grateful to the council for supporting this. He recalled a recent trip to Martha’s Vineyard to visit the tribal land there and how much it meant.

“This is an acknowledgement that is long due,” he said.