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Easthampton City Council approves safety measures, appropriations

Date: 5/9/2023

EASTHAMPTON — The Easthampton City Council, at its May 3 meeting, approved two new traffic ordinances aimed at the safety of its citizens.

The first designates a no-parking zone on both sides of East Street for 1,300 feet southwesterly from the Pascommuck Conservation Trust parking area and northeasterly to the northeastern boundary of 99 East St. This comes after significant concerns about the large number of people parking on the street to visit the Pascommuck Conservation Trust.

Councilor Owen Zaret explained that the parking has become a “nuisance to abutting parcels as well as a safety concern.”

Although the council and residents who spoke supported the move, they are also concerned about visitors now having to park farther away and walking along the road, which doesn’t have clear visibility. Councilor Salem Derby noted that visitors could park on Underwood Avenue, which “has space for some overflow” and is a “much safer space” to walk from. Zaret also noted that this no-parking zone is just the first step and that he knows this has brought up other issues that the Public Safety Committee will need to discuss.

The council also formally designated a school zone at Mountain View School. Although the area has had school zone signs posted, there was never a formal designation for the zone. DPW Director Greg Nuttelman explained that the lack of a formal designation came up as a roadblock to getting two new school zone signs and needed to be taken care of.

The designated school zone will be in effect from 7:30 to 9 a.m. and 2:30 to 4 p.m. on school days or at other times when the lights are flashing, such as on half days. The two new signs will be in by the start of the 2023-2024 school year.

Meeting with School Committee

The City Council will meet with the School Committee throughout the month of May to appoint two new School Committee members after the resignations of Laurie Garcia and Shannon Dunham. The three meetings are currently scheduled for May 10, May 18 and May 31. Anyone interested in these two positions should submit a cover letter to the city clerk by May 15. City Council President Homar Gomez noted that the council is putting great emphasis on the transparency of these meetings.

“We’re going to do everything in front of the public,” he said.

Supplemental Appropriations

The council approved a $30,000 appropriation for design work on the town clock at Easthampton Congregational Church. Finance Committee chair Daniel Rist clarified that this money will not be supporting the church but just looking at ways to preserve the clock itself, which is town-owned.

“I want that history preserved,” said Rist.

An environmental review and soil sampling of an area on Ferry Street and Millside Park will also be completed after the council approved a $38,000 appropriation. The goal is to find out the condition and health of the soil which would let the town know if it could develop that area into something the town’s residents could enjoy.

The council also approved appropriations to pay a $49,000 Medicare shortfall, $180,000 to cover Fire Department pay, and $98,400 to cover Police Department overtime and incentive pay.