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Easthampton dog park discussion on hold for now

Date: 8/25/2020

EASTHAMPTON – The City Council had been planning to host a public hearing on the first potential dog park but that hearing has been cancelled due to the coronavirus.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the council planned to host the meeting on Sept. 2 but had little information on how everything would unfold.

Councilor Owen Zaret said the council is currently waiting for the Parks and Recreation Commission to meet to vote on whether they can explore that site. If the commission approves that they can explore the site, then they will get together to discuss in the Property Committee and bring it forward to the City Council.

He said they are looking for a site that is as central as possible to the residents of Easthampton and potentially connects users to other features of the city.

There is no timeframe for how long the construction of a park will take.

“At this point we are solely looking to obtain consensus on a site in order to apply for a design grant through the Stanton Foundation,” said Zaret.

Right now, the project is in a holding pattern until the city can move forward to the next phase of the process.