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Easthampton's Ferry Street on track to reopen by first week of November

Date: 10/28/2020

EASTHAMPTON – Ferry Street is expected to be open by the first week of November. After weather delayed the final paving, on Oct. 19, the final coat of pavement was finally laid down. City Planner Jeffrey Bagg said as soon as the line painting for both drivers and pedestrians are painted, the street will be ready to be open.

“There will still be items remaining, such as the utility poles, landscaping, lighting, and benches. That work may be required until early spring to complete,” Bagg said.

Bagg said in early 2018, Mayor Nicole LaChapelle initiated this project in partnership with the developer of 1 Ferry St., Michael Michon. Bagg said it has been an intensive yet collaborative project between the Mayor’s office, Planning Board, DPW, Finance Department, and the developer to ensure it would be a competitive application for a MassWorks grant.

“The MassWorks funding program is intended to provide funding for critical infrastructure improvements without larger private development projects would not happen. MassWorks focuses on projects where the public grants dollars and unlocks larger projects, especially those that create new housing or a larger number of jobs,” he said.

The Ferry Street project was split into two parts, the public infrastructure like road and sidewalks and private development.

“The road infrastructure project was awarded $3.5 million in November 2018. In the winter and early spring of 2019, the road project designs were finalized and then went out to bid, and the private developer closed on the property and began construction in the fall of 2019,” said Bagg.

He added that the intensive elements of the road construction that started in the spring of this year, was delayed for a few weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic, but started back up in early April.

Some improvements made on and near Ferry Street include the roundabout, new sidewalks, and handicapped-accessible ramps. New public parking spaces were put on Lovefield Street along with additional lighting. The crossing to the Manhan Rail Trail received an upgrade, a new 10-foot wide multi-use path along Ferry Street, and a fence adjacent to the private development project needed to provide parking for that project.

Bagg said things like the installation of the roundabout will alleviate delays that occurred at the intersection in the morning and afternoon commutes and the multi-use path and railing will allow public access to Lower Mill Pond, where the area was once not a destination.

 “The public infrastructure improvements were also needed to ensure the full redevelopment of the 1 Ferry St. property which was previously a dangerous abandoned mill complex for more than 20 years,” he said.

The private developer demolished one building while renovating three others in phase one. The building that is known as 3 Ferry St. was finished in July and is occupied with three commercial tenants. The developer plans to move to the next building in the spring which will have just about 24 housing units. Bagg said the last building in phase one is the largest and will have up to 84 units.

“Phase two is on the far side of the canal and will contain one existing building and two new mixed-use buildings,” Bagg said.

The buildout of the private parcel will be in phases and take several years. Bagg said to realize the full development and potential of the property on Ferry Street, the intersection needed upgrades.

In addition to the $3.5 million award, the project was also awarded an increase of $390,000 to fund upgrades to the dam area required by the Office of Dam Safety. Bagg said about two years ago the City Council approved a District Improvement Financing (DIF) district which allows the city to take some of the new tax revenue generated from private development and fund additional public infrastructure work planned for that area.

Bagg shared that the City Council recently funded the initial design phase to potentially fix the intersection of Parsons and Ferry Street. He said this intersection has also been identified as unsafe for both motorists and pedestrians for a long time.

 “The goal is to fund the design and ultimately the construction using the impact fees generated by having INSA located in the mill district,” he said.