Date: 11/28/2022
EASTHAMPTON – It’s been said that finding a painted rock can brighten up someone’s day. This simple act of compassion is meant to spread positivity wherever you are; to paint pebbles or cobbles to leave for others to find, collect and enjoy. Teriana Aldrich, a CBDS (Community Based Day Services) specialist and job coach at Riverside Industries, formed the Easthampton hidden painted rocks group as a fun way for her clients who are physically and developmentally disabled to be integrated into the community they’re around.
With 30 members, the group painted rocks and hid them throughout Easthampton with the hopes of people finding their rocks. When they do, they can take a photo of themselves holding the rock so that the clients Aldrich works with can see their work is being noticed. They can also join in by either painting a rock themselves or hiding the rock they found in a new spot. Some of the rocks have messages of courage and hope, others have colorful drawings, and a few have the Riverside Industries logo. They’ve hidden some of the rocks along the Manhan Rail Trail, as well as along the Nashawannuck Pond, which sits in the heart of Easthampton on the corner of Cottage Street and Union Street. They also hid rocks along Cottage Street. Aldrich said, “With this group, we’re hoping for more knowledge of Riverside, what Riverside is about and the community integrating as one.”
Riverside Industries is a nonprofit organization that provides individualized services combining life skill development, day habilitation, and employment options for adults living with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the tri-county region of Western Massachusetts.
Through the winter months, Aldrich said they’ll be working on painting more rocks so when the warmer weather comes, they can go back out and hide them again. “I love seeing the smiles on my clients faces when they’re painting the rocks,” Aldrich replied. “It brings me joy to see the fun they have painting them and hiding them. They’re so excited for somebody to find their rocks and respond.”
For more information about the Easthampton painted rocks group, just search “Easthampton hidden painted rocks” by using the Facebook search bar. Information about Riverside Industries can be found at