Date: 8/10/2020
EASTHAMPTON – Small Oven, a local bakery, cakery, and cafe, provides one loaf of bread per household for whoever is in need of it every other Monday from 12 to 2 p.m.
Owner Amanda Milazzo started Bread for Friends in early May. She said whatever they can do to help each other out during this time is important. “This community helped build this place, it’s really nice to give back,” said Milazzo. She kept her doors open for business from the beginning of the pandemic and she said the community was very supportive during that hectic time.
The bakery is closed on Mondays, but she decided to do Bread for Friends on her only day off because it’s not too busy and she can focus on getting the bread out to people. Milazzo said it has been popular, and she has been baking 50 loafs each week she holds the occasion.
She said the customers who take advantage of Bread for Friends are “amazing.” After she started the program, a lot of customers wanted to contribute so now she has an option during check out where people can purchase a loaf and donate a loaf to the program. Milazzo said she hopes to continue to do Bread for Friends after people settle in after COVID-19. Along with this program, Milazzo donates five loafs per day or whatever she can do to the community center.
Milazzo has been baking for ten years and opened Small Oven with her friend, Julie Copoulos. The pair decided to open a bakery and it stuck. Copoulos is no longer apart of the bakery, but they are both still the owners. Milazzo said she likes the method of baking and seeing people get pleasure from it. She also feels that it’s making people feel normal right now. “It’s special for the community,” said Milazzo.
If you wish to visit the bakery located at 36 Union St., their hours are Tuesday through Sunday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.