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Sun Bath Quilt Tour brings color to Easthampton on Aug. 8

Date: 8/4/2020

EASTHAMPTON – Local artist Audrey Hyvonen is hosting a Sun Bath Quilt Tour on Aug. 8 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

The driving tour starts at her studio, Big Top Quilts at 62 Briggs St. and  proceeds to 21 other addresses. In order to participate, you can access the digital self-guided tour map from her website and follow the directions. Some printed maps will be available at her studio as well.

Hyvonen does ask that in order to safely view the tour from your car, please drive slowly as you approach a quilt stop, and use your hazard lights to alert other drivers. If you plan on speaking with people outside of your car, have your mask handy. Photos are also welcomed.

Hyvonen said she went to people and asked them, “Do you have a quilt in your house? Are you willing to show it?”

The quilts that will be on display are made by residents and quilt artists in the community. Some quilts are older and were made by residents’ mothers or grandmothers.

Although this is the first quilt tour, she said she would love to turn it into an annual event. This project is made possible by the Easthampton City Arts Artist Grants Initiative. When she applied in April, she had no idea what the climate of the world would be but she knew she wanted to source from the community and display positivity.

“I wanted to try to get as many people involved and offer something that a large diversity of people can experience,” she said.