Leverett kicks off 250th anniversary celebration2/27/2024 LEVERETT — An 8-foot tall metal and wood birthday cake travels from party to party, town to town, as municipalities celebrate an anniversary. That cake now sits in Leverett. The long wait is ...click for more |
Whately starts search for new town administrator2/20/2024 WHATELY — The need for a new town administrator was announced on the town’s website on Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day. That may be a subtle signal that town officials want someone they ...click for more |
Sunderland Elementary students create new mosaic2/13/2024 SUNDERLAND — “Our School is a Family,” a multi-colored tile mosaic about the community at Sunderland Elementary School, now hangs in the halls where the kids can point to their co ...click for more |
Sunderland Village Center Committee plans presentation1/30/2024 SUNDERLAND — In a meeting with the Village Center Committee on Jan. 23, Jason Schrieber, senior principal at Stantec, the urban design consultants hired to explore options for the intersectio ...click for more |
Grant finances a look at Leverett senior services position1/9/2024 LEVERETT — The town has a Council on Aging. Does it really need yet another person to help the aging get their needs met? Yes, there is a need for a service navigator. Residents and to ...click for more |
Shutesbury Town Meeting warrant features new wetlands bylaw1/2/2024 SHUTESBURY — A new wetlands bylaw, proposed by the Conservation Commission after a long revision process, is the marquee article on the warrant for a Town Meeting scheduled for Jan. 16. In di ...click for more |
Sunderland weighs merits of office building purchase12/26/2023 SUNDERLAND — The office building at 23 Plumtree Rd. fits in unobtrusively among the single family homes in a residential area off Route 116. When the property came on the market five months a ...click for more |
Regional policing in Leverett, Wendell finds new budgeting formula12/5/2023 LEVERETT — Police Chief Scott Minkler met with the Leverett-Wendell Advisory Police Services Oversight Committee on Nov. 27 to start his department’s budgeting for fiscal year 2025, tha ...click for more |
Sunderland village center committee starts visioning process11/20/2023 SUNDERLAND — Jason Schrieber, an urban planner with Stantec, knows firsthand the dangers of the intersection of Routes 116 and 47. He came to talk about safety in the village center and was a ...click for more |
Mike’s Maze in Sunderland goes to the dogs10/31/2023 SUNDERLAND — On Dog Walker’s Weekend, Nov. 3 through 5, Mike’s Maze is open for donut hounds and basset hounds alike. It’s the only time four-legged family members get a cha ...click for more |
Local libraries talk state Senate bill to halt book banning10/17/2023 LEVERETT — Librarians, in the business of keeping books accessible, are sensitive about banning them. Hannah Paessel and Jodi Levine, library directors in Leverett and Pelham, agree that prov ...click for more |
New smaller footprint for Shutesbury library10/17/2023 SHUTESBURY — Responding to budget challenges to the new library, Oudens Ello Architects slimmed down the project footprint, reduced the height, moved it closer to North Leverett Road and cut ...click for more |
Book, film preserve stories of Leverett one room schoolhouses10/3/2023 LEVERETT — Viola Williams Black recalled walking around class as a child, during the winter, in a schoolhouse with only one room, in her socks. “In the wintertime there was a woo ...click for more |
Murphy looks into new mixed use path in Sunderland9/5/2023 SUNDERLAND — Some time ago, Daniel Murphy, the newest member of the Selectboard, got married and went to the University of Massachusetts Amherst. While living in the old North Village Apartme ...click for more |
Sunderland Library hosts chanteuse Maya Sharpe8/22/2023 SUNDERLAND — Local daughter Maya Sharpe will perform her music at the Sunderland Library on Sept. 1, her first time performing in the Connecticut River Valley since high school. Her small for ...click for more |
Whately talks highway department mutual aid8/15/2023 WHATELY — Town Administrator Brian Domina opened a discussion with the Selectboard about mutual aid among highway departments in nearby towns. It’s the default arrangement between towns ...click for more |
Leverett gallery hosts display of Robert Bent abstracts8/8/2023 LEVERETT — Robert Bent, abstract painter from Greenfield, paused last week while hanging canvases for his show at Leverett Crafts & Arts. “I am telling a story, in a sense, a ...click for more |
Locks Pond culvert replacement, three years on, gets started in Shutesbury8/1/2023 SHUTESBURY — How can the Sawmill River keep flowing under Locks Pond Road when the culvert there is being replaced? That’s one of the questions on the project that’s been ready fo ...click for more |
Leverett offered 147 acres of land for town forest7/25/2023 LEVERETT — Bruce Spencer, a local landowner and forestry expert, recently offered the Town of Leverett 147 acres of prime timberland to serve as a town forest. The gift would come with costs ...click for more |
Tri Town Beach Commission repairs, improves, expands7/11/2023 WHATELY — Diane Kolakoski, Ken Cuddeback and Patricia Anne Pirog, members of the Tri Town Beach Commission, met under the pavilion last week, recently updated with new wiring. Electrical work ...click for more |
Lake Wyola watershed report delivered to Shutesbury7/5/2023 SHUTESBURY — A watershed based plan for dealing with sediment and water quality issues at Lake Wyola was presented to the Selectboard last month, in draft form, by Kimberly MacPhee and Tamsin ...click for more |
Rural schools bill endorsed in Sunderland6/20/2023 SUNDERLAND — On June 12, the Selectboard endorsed a resolution and letter of support for H.3567, an Act to provide a sustainable future for rural schools, and the companion bill in the state ...click for more |
Shutesbury rules on green burial at Jewish Cemetery6/13/2023 SHUTEBURY — Last year Lisa Kuerzel, abutter to the Jewish Cemetery at 221 Leverett Rd., noticed a burial seemed pretty close to her water well. “There is a burial within 100 feet ...click for more |
Whately to permit commercial building on Egypt Road6/6/2023 WHATELY — James Ross, principal of JDR Builders, appeared before the Planning Board for a site plan review and public comment on a commercial building proposed for Egypt Road, parcel 6-0-04-0 ...click for more |
Rights groups demonstrate on Sunderland bridge May 255/30/2023 SUNDERLAND – On May 25 three local groups took to the Sunderland bridge to commemorate George Floyd’s death. Floyd, a Black man, was murdered by a Minneapolis police officer on May 25, ...click for more |
Shutesbury chief passionate about community policing5/30/2023 SHUTESBURY — Police Chief Kristin Burgess gets excited about the community policing model of law enforcement. She’s taken some flack for gushing about it, but trains her officers to foc ...click for more |
Shutesbury library hosts tiny art show5/23/2023 SHUTESBURY — Library Director Mary Anne Antonellis was surprised by how many people came to the M.N. Spear Memorial Library to pick up paints and a 4-inch canvas square, hoping to paint their ...click for more |
Survey asks Whately about ZIP code changes5/16/2023 WHATELY — Officials posted a survey on the town website asking residents if Whately should have one ZIP code. Former Town Clerk Lynn Sibley anticipates strong support because having three ZIP ...click for more |
Special permit sought for Whately School House renovations5/9/2023 WHATELY — Contractor and developer Robert Obear has been working for several years to facilitate the conversion of the Whately School House, also known as the East School, into residential ho ...click for more |
Fairy village coming to Sunderland park on June 175/2/2023 SUNDERLAND — You’ll never believe what we found! That’s what toy maker Loren Brock wants to hear children shouting over the Wunderland in Sunderland, her project to build ...click for more |
Community and committee choose a library design in Shutesbury4/25/2023 SHUTESBURY — At a public meeting on April 11 Matthew Oudens, principal of Oudens Ello Architects of Boston, introduced residents to three versions of the library to be built on Leverett Road. ...click for more |
Senior working groups to talk transportation first4/11/2023 SUNDERLAND — Jennifer Remillard, director of the South County Senior Center, scheduled four meetings in April and May for discussions about one of the most pressing issues facing seniors in S ...click for more |
Emergency services dominate Leverett budget discussion3/28/2023 LEVERETT — Selectboard Chair Tom Hankinson summarized the process for building the fiscal year 2024 town budget by establishing the numbers driving the town’s anticipated budget increas ...click for more |
Shutesbury library development puzzle still in pieces3/21/2023 SHUTESBURY — The Library Building Committee (LBC), tasked with overseeing the design of a new library proposed for Leverett Road, met with members of several town committees and three archite ...click for more |
Leverett school budget expenses see price hikes3/15/2023 LEVERETT – Members of the Leverett School Committee, along with Caitlyn Sheridan, director of finance and operations for the Union 28 school district, met with the Selectboard to explain a pr ...click for more |
Police committee seeks a role in department merge in Leverett and Wendell3/7/2023 LEVERETT – Member Jed Proujansky wisely suggested the Leverett-Wendell Advisory Police Services Oversight Committee (PSOC) anticipate resident concerns before they surface. Foresight may be a ...click for more |
Over 50 job seekers find help through library group in Shutesbury3/7/2023 SHUTESBURY – Finding a new job is tough for older workers. One extra problem? Seniors are rusty when talking about their own successes and skills. “If they’ve been laid off ...click for more |
Soil health a hot topic at Shutesbury ECAC meeting2/28/2023 SHUTESBURY – Leslie Cerier grew troubled recently after stepping outside her door. “I went out to my garden,” Cerier said. “I saw my garlic was coming up and I though ...click for more |
Community Preservation meeting in Leverett offers proposal preview2/21/2023 LEVERETT – The town will host a meeting on March 1 to introduce voters to four of the seven proposals submitted for Community Preservation Act (CPA) grant funding. The champions who submitted ...click for more |
Whately looks for new fire chief as Hannum leaves role2/7/2023 WHATELY – The 30 year tenure of John Hannum as fire chief will end in the middle of June when he ages out of the position. Town officials now have to figure out a hiring process for a new chi ...click for more |
Three communities look into shared conservation agent2/7/2023 SHUTESBURY – The conservation commissions of Wendell, Leverett and Shutesbury are all in the same difficult position, trying to find a conservation agent. Last week, on Jan. 30, the group met ...click for more |
Culvert survey identifies problems in Sunderland1/24/2023 SUNDERLAND – Last fall, in an effort to identify and prioritize maintenance and capital improvements for the Highway Department, the Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) was asked ...click for more |
Shutesbury makes MVP grant success a priority1/24/2023 SHUTESBURY – Town officials might’ve made a New Year’s resolution this year: bring home a big grant from the Municipal Vulnerability Planning (MVP) program. According to it ...click for more |
Shutesbury Town Meeting to finalize land protection1/10/2023 SHUTESBURY – The Special Town Meeting (STM) scheduled for Jan. 19 will address remediation costs for contamination discovered around the fire station. Voters will also be asked to weigh in on ...click for more |
Leverett working on new plan to avoid aerial spraying1/3/2023 LEVERETT – In July 2020 Gov. Charlie Baker signed into law the Act to Mitigate Arbovirus in the Commonwealth that authorized broad aerial spraying to control eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) ...click for more |
Shutesbury Select Board supports police’s graffiti class with youth12/27/2022 SHUTESBURY – Incidents of destructive graffiti prompted Police Chief Kristin Burgess to field a class in graffiti art for the town’s youth. That counter-intuitive move, an effort to pro ...click for more |
Cannabis, opioid settlement accounts created at STM in Whately12/6/2022 WHATELY – About two dozen residents ventured to the town offices on Sandy Lane for the Special Town Meeting on Nov. 29. The seven articles on the agenda dealt with the distribution of monies ...click for more |
‘Features’ threatened by the curious in Leverett11/29/2022 LEVERETT – Eva Gibavic, born and raised in town, has deep reverence for the leavings of people who lived here a long time ago. “I work with some of the southern New England Nativ ...click for more |
Shutesbury Select Board responds to Wyola dam partying11/1/2022 SHUTESBURY – Wyola may mean ‘quiet waters’ in Native American dialects, but Lake Wyola has been anything but quiet this summer because so many people were partying on the dam. Whe ...click for more |
Health survey: half of students battle the blues10/18/2022 WHATELY – Kat Allen had both unsettling news and upbeat developments to report from the recent student health survey at nine area schools, including Frontier Regional School District (FRSD).< ...click for more |
European conflict impacts local electricity rates in Leverett10/18/2022 LEVERETT – The town’s newsletter put it in boldface: residents’ electrical costs will double in 2023. The price will jump from 10.5 cents to 23.6 cents per kilowatt hour. & ...click for more |
Land limits in Whately complicate housing picture10/12/2022 WHATELY – Residents know what the town needs, according to a recent housing survey: cheaper housing. Specifically, the town needs smaller homes for seniors, starter homes for new residents, a ...click for more |
Shutesbury library team works toward first commitments and fun10/12/2022 SHUTESBURY – Elaine Puleo was a dean at University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a department head in biostatistics for many years. That experience makes her a capable chairperson for the ne ...click for more |
New owner reopens Sunderland staple with eye to the future10/4/2022 SUNDERLAND – Andrew Garlo is a new culinary hero. He saved Bub’s Bar-B-Q, one of the most popular restaurants in town. “On June 1 they were going to close down for good,&rd ...click for more |
New gym in Sunderland offers workouts geared to real life situations9/27/2022 SUNDERLAND – Emily Mailloux wants to confuse your muscles and keep you interested. “It can get very boring, 30 minutes straight on a treadmill,” said Mailloux, founder of ...click for more |
New mural at the public library depicts timeless Leverett9/20/2022 LEVERETT – Children visiting the Leverett Library these days can meet children who lived a long time ago. Kids from the olden days gaze out from a new high relief mural, “Past is Presen ...click for more |
Changes to cannabis laws ‘bad news’ for municipalities9/20/2022 WHATELY – Recent changes to the commonwealth’s marijuana laws did not sit well with Town Administrator Brian Domina. The new regulations are tilted so favorably toward cannabis business ...click for more |
Slower speeds to be on Pelham's Town Meeting ballot9/13/2022 PELHAM – Five miles per hour may decide life or death for a pedestrian in an accident. “The difference between 30 (mph) and 25 is that at 25 you don’t always kill somebody ...click for more |
Whately secures state funding for school climate updates9/6/2022 WHATELY – The Baker-Polito Administration announced last week the Municipal Vulnerability Planning (MVP) grants this year total $32.8 million, a new high, and will assist 73 communities with ...click for more |
Talks begin on new transfer station in Sunderland9/6/2022 SUNDERLAND – David Goodwin and Aaron Falbel, chair and vice chair of the Energy Committee, met with the Selectboard on Aug. 22 to talk about establishing a transfer station for trash disposal ...click for more |
Whately Planning Board addresses cannabis facility changes8/2/2022 WHATELY – The Planning Board met July 26 to hear from residents about changes at 3 River Rd., property used by Debilitating Medical Condition Treatment Centers (DMCTC) for the cultivation and ...click for more |
Pocumtuck Homelands Festival celebrates Native American culture8/2/2022 TURNERS FALLS – The ninth annual Pocumtuck Homelands Festival is returning to Unity Park in Turners Falls this summer for a celebration of Native American art, music and culture. The t ...click for more |
Nile makes a splash at Sunderland Library7/27/2022 SUNDERLAND – Little boys are fascinated by whale poop, no surprise there, but little girls? They’re fascinated too, which is why Michaela Tremblay said, “A big part of this progra ...click for more |
Leverett hears dollar details of high school track replacement7/27/2022 LEVERETT – Douglas Slaughter, director of finance for Amherst-Pelham Regional School District, appeared before the Select Board on July 26 to apprise officials of the anticipated costs and fi ...click for more |
Relief and gratitude after Shutesbury library vote7/13/2022 SHUTESBURY – On June 28 the vote to authorize a debt exclusion for $1.2 million in borrowing for the new town library succeeded with voters, 579 to 250, and surmounted the last fiscal hurdle ...click for more |
Leverett neighborhood asks for speed control study6/22/2022 LEVERETT – Resident Nancy Grossman is so thankful her son never got hit by a car on Two Mile Road. It’s up and down, twisty and dangerous, and she knows how drivers think as they ...click for more |
Shutesbury library project faces last ballot hurdle6/22/2022 SHUTESBURY – The proposal for a new library, funded by a state grant of $3.95 million and $1.3 million from existing town accounts, received additional funding at the Annual Town Meeting on M ...click for more |
Committee formed to explore Leverett's Field Building options6/14/2022 LEVERETT – Article 22 of Annual Town Meeting on April 30 asked voters to authorize the sale of the Field Building to a nonprofit for a dollar. Resident Ann Ferguson thought the town should ke ...click for more |
Town of Whately’s 250th birthday bash to last 10 days6/8/2022 WHATELY – Vehicles reveal how life in a small farm town has changed over time. That’s why Whately’s 250 year anniversary celebration begins with a cruise night and ends with a par ...click for more |
Modest Sunderland Memorial Day parade marches on6/8/2022 SUNDERLAND – The Memorial Day parade on May 27 was decidedly modest this year. The school marching band, most of the floats and the crowds didn’t show up. Jim Ewen, the town&rsqu ...click for more |
Whately approves ‘aggressive’ budget at Town Meeting5/31/2022 WHATELY – Gathered outside of Whately Elementary School on May 24, roughly 50 voters unanimously approved Whately’s $5.73 million fiscal year 2023 (FY23) budget and definitions for new ...click for more |
Shutesbury voters fund new library, approve town budget5/31/2022 SHUTESBURY – In a landslide vote, 422 to 85, residents authorized funding a new library. Money will be drawn from a variety of sources in a plan pieced together ...click for more |
CNA offers support, education and literary outlet for immigrants5/31/2022 TURNERS FALLS – Marise Lyra knew the El Salvadoran ballad would make her feel sad. She said, “It brings a little sorrow.” ... click for more |
Sunderland elementary capital projects draw attention5/10/2022 SUNDERLAND – Town officials heard good and bad news at the elementary school on May 3. An oil tank may need replacement in the near future, an expensive prospect, but right now there’s ...click for more |
Sunderland approves budget at Annual Town Meeting5/3/2022 SUNDERLAND – Sunderland residents unanimously approved every action item including the fiscal year 2023 (FY23) $9.3 million budget during the Annual Town Meeting on April 29 at Sunderland Ele ...click for more |
Edwards to step away from Whately Selectboard after 18 years5/3/2022 WHATELY – Rest assured, Jonathan Edwards isn’t going anywhere. After 18 years of service on the Selectboard, Edwards, currently the chair, is not running for re-election. ... click for more |
Sunderland’s Annual Town Meeting is April 294/26/2022 SUNDERLAND – Annual Town Meeting, scheduled for April 29 at 7 p.m., features the usual housekeeping articles that enable town government to collect money and pay the bills. One unusual housek ...click for more |
Election slate set for Leverett’s Annual Town Meeting4/12/2022 LEVERETT – Annual Town Meeting and elections are scheduled for April 30 this year, with candidates available for every position. The majority are seeking re-election to posts they currently o ...click for more |
Flood Plain District would tighten oversight in Whately4/5/2022 WHATELY – Planning Board member Judy Markland opened a hearing on the town’s proposed Floodplain Overlay Zoning District bylaw by quoting Conway’s description of updating its byla ...click for more |
Whately Special Town Meeting cleans up finances3/30/2022 WHATELY – At the Special Town Meeting on March 23 about 20 residents came together to vote on motions to neaten up fiscal matters and make the town more accessible for the handicapped. The mo ...click for more |
Leverett’s FY23 budget reflects planned increases3/22/2022 LEVERETT – The Finance Committee and Selectboard hosted a joint meeting last Tuesday to discuss the proposed budget for fiscal year 2023 (FY23). If the budget passes Town Meeting residents wi ...click for more |
Rousing caucus in Sunderland nominates Dem candidates3/17/2022 SUNDERLAND – Last week the caucus for local democrats nominated a full slate of candidates for town elections, which are scheduled this year for May 7. The caucus, held in the upstairs ...click for more |
Whately Selectboard questions new club owners3/8/2022 WHATELY – The new owners of Club Castaways met with the Selectboard recently. The discussion left town officials concerned the applicants don’t have the experience to run a club special ...click for more |
Pair of structure issues confront Whately Selectboard3/2/2022 WHATELY – The highway barn, one of the most heavily used buildings in town government, must be in bad shape. Members of the Capital Improvement Planning Committee visited the structure recent ...click for more |
Microgrid proposal for school, library, police department seeks funding3/2/2022 LEVERETT – Richard Nathhorst wants the town to save money with an electrical microgrid. What does he need to do it? Money. ... click for more |
Shutesbury Fire Chief Study Group makes recommendations3/2/2022 SHUTESBURY – Retiring Fire Chief Walter Tibbetts will leave big shoes to fill, but the study group looking at his position decided they were the right size. “One of the things we ...click for more |
Local takes over as director of South County Senior Center2/16/2022 SOUTH DEERFIELD – Jennifer Remillard enjoyed spending time with her grandparents, which prepared her for her new job as director of the South County Senior Center. “I have always ...click for more |
Valley Neighbors gains early traction in communities2/8/2022 FRANKLIN COUNTY – Fran Fortino, president of Valley Neighbors, a new nonprofit serving the elderly in Whately, Deerfield and Sunderland, earned a big response from residents. “It ...click for more |
Whately Water District, Department merger nears completion1/25/2022 WHATELY – The long process to merge the Water District and Water Department, which began about six years ago, is nearing completion. For some residents the biggest difficulty is still to come ...click for more |
Rehab project on Whately’s Haydenville Road introduced1/25/2022 WHATELY – The rehabilitation of Haydenville Road project of the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) was presented to the public last week, after 10 years of delays and planni ...click for more |
National EMS system raises local communication tower1/18/2022 SHUTESBURY – The first cell tower in the town’s history will soon appear over the treetops along Wendell Road, part of a national network for emergency management communications. As a b ...click for more |
Meeting notes issues and progress in Sunderland’s housing plan1/18/2022 SUNDERLAND – The new housing plan presented to the Selectboard last week featured good news, but Bruce Bennett drew attention to a chronic challenge facing towns built on a flood plain: septi ...click for more |
Leverett Fire Department fundraises for hovercraft12/28/2021 LEVERETT – When someone breaks through the ice, saving seconds can save a life. That’s why the Fire Department is seeking donations for a hovercraft, a vehicle that travels on a cushion ...click for more |
Rail study group looks at possibilities for Route 2 service12/21/2021 WESTERN MASS. – The working group for the Northern Tier Passenger Rail Study convened for a first meeting on Dec. 16. The star-studded group will explore whether passenger rail service along ...click for more |
Thomas Farm and Dairy gets Farm Bureau grant12/21/2021 SUNDERLAND – Laurie Cuevas and Jim Thomas, owners of Thomas Farm and Dairy, won a Schipper grant this month to keep their TikTok stars in better health. ... click for more |
Sunderland superintendent: school upkeep falls behind12/15/2021 SUNDERLAND – Superintendent of Schools Darius Modestow came before the Selectboard last week with a simple message: the town’s capital planning for school repairs and maintenance isn&rs ...click for more |
Whately selectmen split on tax classification12/15/2021 WHATELY – The perennial clash between commerce and social equity erupted last week at the tax classification hearing. Whately Selectman Fred Baron researched split property tax rates and came ...click for more |
New committee to pick up where defunct Shutesbury Energy Committee left off12/15/2021 SHUTESBURY – The town’s Energy Committee, formed when ecology was a new idea, is gone. In December, Rita Farrell, chair of the Select Board, put an end to the 44-year-old body that had ...click for more |
Sundelrand Riverside Park improvements contract signed12/15/2021 SUNDERLAND – Finally. Last week, after many delays, the Selectboard voted to award a contract for renovations to the kayak ...click for more |
Whately considers projects to address vulnerabilities12/2/2021 WHATELY – Keith Bardwell, Highway Department boss in Whately, didn’t mince words about the number of accidents between Castaways Bar and the fire station. “There’s be ...click for more |
Sunderland ConCom members thankful for Griffin’s many contributions12/2/2021 SUNDERLAND – Nancy Pick first met Curt Griffin about a decade ago, when she “tried out” for the Conservation Commission. ... click for more |
Property owners looking for new partner for Whately cannabis facility12/2/2021 WHATELY – Discussing the cannabis growing facility intended for the corner of State Road and Christian Lane, Selectboard Chair Jonathan Edwards couldn’t keep the frustration out of his ...click for more |
Sunderland Selectboard approves winter road closures11/16/2021 SUNDERLAND – The usual winter road closures began on Nov. 1, but new cables will make it harder for local ice fisherman to reach their spot. “Cranberry Pond, last year we had som ...click for more |
Former military site chosen for new Shutesbury library11/16/2021 SHUTESBURY – The Select Board voted unanimously to designate 66 Leverett Rd. as the site of a new library, slated for construction next year, one of two locations under consideration. ... click for more |
Sunderland’s Riverside Park upgrade faces possible delays11/9/2021 SUNDERLAND – Upgrades may soon turn Riverside Park into a kayaker’s destination, but supply chain problems are preventing the start of the work this year. Next year, the funds may be go ...click for more |
Whately chief marks half-century of fighting fires11/9/2021 WHATELY – It was many years ago when firefighter John Hannum jumped off a fire truck and ran toward a burning house. A mother was on the second floor, hanging out a window, a baby in her arms ...click for more |
Leverett Dam & Sawmill Committee to recommend acquisition11/9/2021 LEVERETT – After meetings, discussion and disagreements, a site visit and procedural missteps, the North Leverett Dam & Sawmill Committee concluded that little more can be done with the h ...click for more |
Sunderland Selectboard ponders ARPA funding11/3/2021 SUNDERLAND – The Selectboard faced a difficult question at its last meeting: How will the town spend $1 million in American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) money? The funds, according to Town ...click for more |
Whately Selectboard approves Special Town Meeting warrant11/3/2021 WHATELY – The warrant for a Special Town Meeting was discussed and voted on by the Selectboard in a mid-day meeting on Oct. 19. Seven articles will be decided by voters on Nov. 6 at 1 p.m. ...click for more |
Chief: reforms create added demands, costs for Whately Police Department10/27/2021 WHATELY – Chief James Sevigne didn’t sugarcoat the Commonwealth’s increased demands on the Whately Police Department, or the costs. “We’re looking right in the ...click for more |
Longtime members recall history, work of Whately Grange10/27/2021 WHATELY – Since 1951 Adelia Bardwell belonged to the Whately chapter of the Grange. Most of those 70 years her friend, Ruth Leahey, shared the fun. ... click for more |
Whately Selectboard institutes vaccine mandate after lengthy debate10/20/2021 WHATELY – The Whately Selectboard waffled on a vaccine mandate for the town’s public buildings, voted against the idea, then reconsidered. By the end of the meeting, the board did ...click for more |
Leverett Education Foundation sees support for greenhouse improvements10/13/2021 LEVERETT – The greenhouse at Leverett Elementary School had a mysterious night visitor. The visitor dug a hole in a vegetable bed. ... click for more |
Rapid Recovery Plan could address Sunderland village center issues10/5/2021 SUNDERLAND – A Rapid Recovery Plan, paid for by a state program, may help the town shrug off the new problems from the pandemic by addressing the old problems of the village center. &l ...click for more |
Frontier superintendent pleased with MCAS results10/5/2021 FRANKLIN COUNTY – For the most part, the local school dodged a bullet. “When you look at last year’s challenges, it certainly was going to have an impact on standardiz ...click for more |
Whately Selectboard surprised by MassDOT bridge closure10/5/2021 WHATELY – Your morning commute just got longer. In a letter that startled the Selectboard, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) notified the town of Whately last we ...click for more |
Whately seeks letters of interest for Center School redevelopment9/29/2021 WHATELY – The Whately Center School served the town’s children and governing committees for 108 years, but has been closed since 2018, with no upkeep. Now the Selectboard wants to learn ...click for more |
Shutesbury eyes new library through Small Library Pilot Project9/29/2021 SHUTESBURY – While the Spear Memorial Library has a big place in the hearts of Shutesbury residents, it doesn’t feel airy like a bookshelf. It feels small as a shoebox. “Ou ...click for more |
Whately Conservation Commission continues Whately Woods discussion9/1/2021 WHATELY – The Conservation Commission voted to continue a discussion about proposed improvements to the trails at Whatley Woods property maintained by the Kestrel Land Trust. The prope ...click for more |
Whately Planning Board, ZBA debate proposed marijuana facility8/10/2021 WHATELY – A proposed marijuana facility cleared major hurdles when representatives recently appeared before Whately’s Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals seeking approvals. <... click for more |