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Rousing caucus in Sunderland nominates Dem candidates

Date: 3/17/2022

SUNDERLAND – Last week the caucus for local democrats nominated a full slate of candidates for town elections, which are scheduled this year for May 7.

The caucus, held in the upstairs conference room of Town Hall, drew a boisterous crowd happy to be gathering without masks, though several people still wore protection. Lorin Starr received the nod to serve as moderator.

“The purpose of the caucus is to make sure that we have a nomination in every category for the annual election,” Starr said. “It’s one of our opportunities to participate in democracy in our town. Given the state of the world, I think we should appreciate that opportunity.”

Starr optimistically described the steps if a seat draws more than one candidate. The groundwork wasn’t necessary. The caucus turned up a single nomination for every position, with the exception of the Board of Health position. The more demanding seats to fill on the Selectboard and Planning Board took some finesse.

There was a question about the role of the Board of Health in town government. Current member Ken Kushi replied that primarily the Board of Health looks after the welfare and well-being of the townspeople. Selectboard Chair Thomas Fydenkevez offered a more enticing description of the duties.

“The Board of Health is the most powerful, all encompassing board or committee in town,” Fydenkevez said. “The last two years it’s been about COVID. But there is a lot of things that are involved with the Board of Health.”

Fydenkevez mentioned the inspections of local restaurants, policy on the prevention of risky behaviors in the young, Title V inspections of septic systems, and the hot button issue of mosquito spraying.
Chair Caitlyn Rock will not be running for re-election. Fydenkevez thanked Rock for her long service on the Board of Health. Selectboard member Crystal Drake-Tremblay nominated Carol Wood, who received a unanimous endorsement from the caucus.

According to Town Clerk Houle, Wood subsequently declined the nomination.

Early in the caucus, James Wallace was nominated to run for a three-year term on the Board of Assessors. James M. Kowaleck is the incumbent. Wendy Houle, current Town Clerk, was nominated for another three year term, and received an ovation.

The Planning Board has a seat to fill, a five year position currently occupied by Steve Schneider, who is not seeking re-election. Starr called for nominations. No takers, no suggestions.

“The silence is deafening,” Starr said. “We’ll come back to the Planning Board.”

After further discussion, David Deane was nominated to run for Planning Board. He was not at the caucus. Fydenkevez said the worst that could happen is that a nominee doesn’t go in to sign the nomination papers at the Town Clerk’s office, which would invalidate any nomination made by the caucus.

Houle, the town clerk, clarified the issue for those who are not serving the town.

“These are really important positions,” Poole said. “To leave them open, somebody’s really got to think about how responsible do we, as a town, want to be?”

Deane received a unanimous vote.

The Library Board of Trustees may see significant turnover. Three seats with three-year terms will be on the ballot, as well as a seat with a one-year term. The incumbents for the three-year terms are Beth Berry, Justine Rosewarne, and David Wissemann.

“Beth Berry is not seeking re-election,” Starr said. “I would like to thank Beth for her fifteen-plus years of service.”

Incumbents Rosewarne and Whisseman were nominated, as was Heidi Bauer-Clapp. The one-year position, the remainder of Gerald Bridwell’s term, drew a candidate in David Pierce, who will be leaving the Selectboard.

Cemetery Trustee Mike Whisseman, the incumbent, was nominated to run for another term. Jessica Corwin, incumbent on the Elementary School Committee, was also nominated to run again. Judy Pierce will be leaving the Frontier Regional School Committee. Christopher White was nominated to run for the seat she will be leaving.

Ken Kushi received the nomination for a three-year term as Town Park Trustee.
Fydenkevez nominated Nathaniel Waring to serve on the Selectboard. Waring wasn’t sure he wanted the job.

“I’ve been thinking about running for this office, in the middle of Covid. But if I say yes and change my mind between now and the election,” Waring asked, can he back out?

Houle informed him there is a cutoff date after which his name would remain on the ballot. He accepted the nomination for Selectboard and received every vote. Starr had earlier voiced a reassurance for those who may still want to run for office.

“If you are the person that isn’t nominated, have no fear. You can go see the counselor and take out papers, and your name will also appear on the ballot,” Starr said. “That takes twenty signatures of qualified voters and has to be returned to the Town Clerk by March 21.”

Town elections will take place on May 7. The last day to register to vote is April 9. The election warrant will be posted by April 22.

“It was a very nice idea to hear the voices of people we have not seen in a long time,” Fydenkevez said at the Selectboard meeting held later in the evening. “I would like to express my appreciation for those who are not running for re-election. It’s not easy in this time of Covid, and your service was greatly appreciated.”