Date: 4/5/2022
GRANBY – The Planning Board is seeking community responses on their newly released Climate Change Experience Survey. This survey is open to all Granby residents, completely anonymous and will take less than five minutes to complete. Responses will be used to help update the town’s master plan.
According to Kenneth Comia, senior planner of the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, Granby’s current Master Plan was last updated in 2016.
“The town of Granby already has a master plan that was most recently updated in 2016. What it does is it lays out goals and strategies to implement those goals particular to areas in transportation, land use, natural resources, historic and cultural resources, economic development, housing, infrastructure, town operations and more,” said Comia.
This update will include a climate change and sustainability write-up based off of the survey responses and townwide data.
According to Comia, some survey topics include changes in weather patterns, how these have impacted residents, familiarity with terms related to climate change and how concerned residents are about climate change.
Comia said these responses will help the town figure out strategies to combat climate change and keep residents informed and safe.
The deadline to complete the survey is April 30.
According to Comia, including climate change in the Master Plan update is essential to the future of the town and its residents.
“As we learn more and as some of the climate data that’s being presented, at least here in the Pioneer Valley, suggests that the climate is changing and there are measurable impacts that have happened in not only Granby, but throughout the region. A lot of towns are trying to figure out how to address these more frequent storm events or more extreme temperatures and trying to, within the policies and operations of the towns, try to help mitigate and adapt to those changes,” he said.
The master plan will be completed this summer. It will then be available for public viewing on the town website.
Those interested in seeing previous master plans or completing the Climate Change Experience Survey can visit the Planning Board section of the town’s website at