Former Mass. Governor announces presidential campaignDate: 11/20/2019 GREATER SPRINGFIELD – The announcement on Nov. 14 that former Gov. Deval Patrick is running for president surprised many political observers, especially after announcements last year that Patrick would not be seeking the Democratic nomination.
Michael P. Norton of State House News Service noted in a story about the announcement, “In December 2018, Patrick said he wouldn’t seek the presidency. At the time, he said he was overwhelmed by encouragement but ‘knowing that the cruelty of our elections process would ultimately splash back on people whom Diane and I love, but who hadn’t signed up for the journey, was more than I could ask.’”
Patrick served as governor from 2007 to 2015. Currently he is part of Boston-based Bane Capital, which is noted in his campaign biography. It reads, “After he left office, Deval joined Bain Capital to launch an impact investing fund. This new fund, Bain Capital Double Impact, has invested hundreds of millions of dollars into mission-driven companies that target both social and environmental good. His life has always been about rejecting false choices, and his new fund was meant to show that private companies can be a force for public good.”
Springfield-based political consultant Anthony Cignoli told Reminder Publishing, “We are in such new territory after both Barack Obama and Donald Trump’s victories. Anything can happen with an electorate that can be reached by so many, perhaps too many, venues on social media.
“On the plus side, Gov. Patrick has saved at least $10 million or more getting in now and avoiding the early horse race. He has the benefit, too, of knowing where strategically to position himself given the established paths taken by the other candidates.
“On the negative, he needs to raise a stunning amount of campaign funds quickly to compete in the states he can. He needs to introduce himself to a nation that largely does not know him. And the greatest difficulty, all the significant operatives in key states, even greatly accomplished friends of his, are already lined up with other campaigns,” Cignoli said.
Matt Szafranski, writer and editor of Western Mass Politics & Insight, told Reminder Publishing, “Gov. Patrick brings a compelling biography and amazing oratorical skills to the campaign trail. I’m not sure any candidate can match the latter. Yet, Patrick’s biggest problem is that many of his most ardent supporters and past staffers are already tied up with other campaigns. If he had gotten in much earlier, I think many would have signed up again and crawled over broken glass to get him elected. Now, they’re committed to others like Sanders, Warren and Buttigieg. Still, Patrick came from near-obscurity in 2006 to beat the sitting attorney general in a primary. Then, in 2010’s general election, one of the worst national political environments for Democrats ever, he comfortably beat the Republican who later became one of the most popular governors in America. Patrick shouldn’t be underestimated.”
Massachusetts has figured prominently in producing presidential candidates. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is one of the top contenders for the 2020 Democratic nomination, while in the past both Govs. Michael Dukakis and Mitt Romney represented their respective parties on the final ballot. Former Sen. John Kerry also led the Democratic ticket.
Patrick’s announcement was met with criticism on Twitter. One person wrote, “I have no interest in candidates who jump in and try to be spoilers to those who have done the hard work.” Others criticized his corporate connections, but one person wrote, “A reminder to all that Howard Dean was our leading candidate in 2004 cycle at this time. Deval Patrick is an exceptional candidate who should be welcomed to the field. We need a vigorous competition of ideas, ideals, and leadership.”
Western Massachusetts residents Edward W. Brown III of New York Sound and Motion Productions and David Horgan of Horgan Associates produced the announcement video.
In the video, Patrick spoke of his background and said, “I’ve had my chance to live the American Dream,” although he added, “I’ve seen the path to that dream closing off bit by bit.”
In a statement made to State House News, Gov. Charlie Baker who was defeated by Patrick his first run for governor, noted, “Look – People who want to run for president, they get a pass out of the gate as far as I’m concerned. That’s just the way it works.”