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Hadley Planning and Select boards look at food truck regulations

Date: 7/25/2023

HADLEY — The July 18 Planning Board meeting began a review process of a reworked proposal for food truck regulation within town limits.

The documentation provided by the Bylaw Committee offered a summary of the actions required to implement rules and restrictions including references to the creation of licensing applications, required approvals by the state, the board of health and potentially the police department.

While largely supporting the planned revisions and regulations, Chair Jim Maksimoski was skeptical as to some of the suggested requirements as presented and indicated he would offer suggestions for the Select Board.

“They’re saying every single permit will require a public hearing, that’s going to be pretty cumbersome,” Maksimoski said. “I’m not sure they want go for a special, I mean a public hearing for every single food truck permit, that seems like a lot.”

A public hearing was originally required for a food truck permit remaining in the town more than 14 days within the year.

“If somebody’s going to have really like a two-day event where they’re going to want a food truck, they’re going to have the public hearing for it?” Maksimoski questioned. “It seems like a lot for the applicant and the select board.”

The board also reviewing the proposal indicated the process as read, now applies to food trucks on public or private property within the town.

The regulations also require that issues including sanitation, traffic and pedestrian safety, parking and public safety, among others be considered before a permit is granted.

At the July 19 Select Board Meeting, clarifications were discussed governing public and private property regulations for the food trucks, the Select Board’s overall authority governing the licensing and the need for public hearing in each case.

The board opted to table discussion ahead of a possible vote pending language and regulation changes and agreed to revisit the matter in the beginning of August.