Date: 4/26/2022
HADLEY – The Annual Town Election on May 17 features two contested races – two spots on the Select Board and one spot on the School Committee.
Select Board Chair David J. Fill is running for re-election along with fellow board member John C. Waskiewicz. Randall E. Izer, Molly A. Keegan and Richard V. Wilga are all running against the incumbents with the other three spots on the Select Board up for re-election over the next two years.
The Select Board’s website states the members of the Hadley Select Board should “strive to create and sustain the highest achievable level of quality of life for the residents, employees and visitors in the town of Hadley.”
The only other contested race this cycle is a three-year term on the School Committee. The candidates are Toni Lyn Morelli and Christine L. Pipczynski.
The Hadley Mother’s Club will host a candidates night on May 9 on Hadley Media.
Last year, Hadley had just 13 percent voter turnout, one of the lowest numbers in town history. Part of the reason was no contested races that year, but the town also had just a 25 percent turnout when there were five contested races in 2018. The best turnout in recent years was 32 percent in 2019.
Hadley’s low voter turnout in town elections is on pace with the rest of the country. A 2020 report by the National Civic League found that only 15 to 27 percent of eligible voters cast a ballot in their local election across the U.S.
In addition to the election, residents will be asked to weigh in on key town issues at its May 5 Annual Town Meeting. The warrant was scheduled to be posted on April 28, a day after the Select Board hosted a public forum and a full review of the Annual Town Meeting warrant.
Hadley Town Clerk Jessica Spanknebel told Reminder Publishing before the forum that it looked like all planned borrowing would be within the levy which means no debt exclusions or overrides. Spanknebel added there will be a few Community Preservation Act and Planning articles.