Date: 2/14/2023
HADLEY — Site plan approval was granted for the installation of new Verizon Wireless antennas in Hadley at the Planning Board’s Feb. 7 meeting. This marked the end of a continuation of the topic from the board’s Jan. 3 meeting. A proposal was also heard for a new softball field, but the board required further documentation before it could grant approval.
Attorney Michael Fenton of Shatz, Schwartz and Fentin P.C. law firm spoke at the meeting representing the Verizon Wireless team. He summarized the project and assured the board that it would be compliant with all relevant regulations.
“We’re here tonight as counsel to Cellco Partnership, doing business as Verizon Wireless, and we’re joined by the full complement of our Verizon Wireless team and consultants. The proposal before you is seeking a special permit to install antennas on the rooftop along with support equipment at 340 Russell St. [the Homewood Suites]. These antenna and support equipment were a part of the submittal meeting where I last appeared before you on Jan. 3. The antennas will all be enclosed behind RF-friendly screening on the rooftop and comply in all respects with the dimensional and use requirements of the Hadley town bylaws and zoning bylaw,” Fentin said.
The board was supportive of the project, and board member Mark Dunn made a point to praise the consideration that was put into its design.
“I would just note that I think that they have shown concern and care for aesthetics by placing it at the northwest and northeast corners of the building and doing it very pleasingly, so I appreciate that,” Dunn said.
The motion to approve passed unanimously.
Parks and Recreation Director Greg LaSage appeared before the board to get approval for the construction of a new softball field, joined by fellow Parks and Recreation member Jim Shea. The field would be adjacent to the North Hadley Fire substation on River Drive.
“We’d like to get a softball field in that area just south of the substation on River Drive. Obviously, there’s a need for playing space for softball. Right now, our girls, really the only use they have is the fields over at Hopkins and they kind of get pushed around a little bit, so there’s a need for a softball field. We did secure some money from the state for the project. We just need to find the best area to put the field on. I’ve heard different interests in that land and I just didn’t know how feasible it is for us to use that,” LaSage said.
The board was in support of a field, but could not grant approval because the location in question is also being considered as the site for a new DPW building. Board member Joe Zgrodnik first posed the question to LaSage and Shea.
“Have you consulted with the Select Board about the future site for the DPW? If all of the sudden you put a softball field there, where the DPW is in negotiation to have some expansion … I think there should be some more conversation before you usurp that land, it would be very difficult if the DPW had to use that land because they’re very tight where they are,” Zgrodnik said.
Board Chair Jim Maksimoski made it clear that having written approval from the Select Board was the deciding factor in this situation.
“I have seen nothing in writing from the Board of Selectmen so I can’t comment on if you had first dibs on the field. If the Select Committee decides it goes to the softball field, so be it. Let’s see something in writing and we can all move on, it’s that simple,” Maksimoski said.
LaSage and Shea agreed to come back to the Planning Board at a future date with not only the Select Board approval in writing, but also information on the prospective site’s drainage and parking.